cvd treatment

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  joycemather 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hello.  I was diagnosed with first stage myeloma and al amyloidosis with kidney deposit in December of last year.  I was caring for my husband with advanced stage cancer at that time, and he sadly passed away in March of this year.  In December I used alternative supplements to hopefully stop the disease from progressing.  I attended a German clinic in  April/May that used alternative treatments and my blood results impoved, and they have continued to improve.  Unfortunately I still have an albumin level of 15 (should be 35 plus) and a protein loss that varies from 4g to 8g.  Also in the last two weeks my symptoms have got worse – burning, aching in my shoulders and arms, head, and ribs.  I also have tingling, swollen legs and swollen ankles.   Did any of you have these symptoms when you were diagnosed?

    My haematologist is advising the cyclophosphamide, velcade, dexamethasone treatment.  Have any of you tried the velcade and dex treatment without the cyclophosphamide?

    I am really scared, particularly now that my symptoms have increased.

    I would appreciate any help you can give.  Thank you, Joyce



    Hi Joyce

    My husband, Ian, has had 3 cycles of velcade and dex. He has FLC myeloma. The first cycle brought hisFLC from 840 to 580, unfortunately they have risen on cycle 2 and 3 and are 860. We requested if we could add cyclophosphamide and were rejected by our consultant. Now going for second opinion on Thursday to Western General in Edinburgh.

    Tom Lappin , who is also on this site had the same response. His consultant added cyclophosphamide and treatment is now working.

    I know it is a bit harder on you, but worth it if it works.




    Thanks Maureen.  I’m sorry to hear that your consultant rejected the cyclophosphadmide – I can’t understand why. I hope you have some success with the Western General.

    My FLC are 54 (lower than they have ever been) but my consultant is recommending the treatment because of my low albumin level 15 and my protein loss.  This is apparently caused by amyloid deposit on my kidneys.

    Also my symptoms have got worse so this concerns me a lot.




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