Cycle19 started – Yeahhh it's Dex time.

This topic contains 21 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #103207


    Hi all.
    Thanks for your good wishes re my back op on Saturday.
    I must be getting used to all these hospital visits because the thought of the op is not bothering me. Or is that the Dex effect 😛 I'll find out shortly – my last Dex was today 😉

    I'll do my best to keep this post short Vicki everyone must be getting bored with my nightly Dex fuelled rambles lol.
    Anyway 🙂 I'm going in to have kyphoplasty done to two of my vertebrae T11 and T12. It's usually done as a day case but due to MM I have to stay in overnight. No beer for me Saturday night :-/ unless Steph can sneak me in a beer or three 😛
    Vicki I hope Colin's physio does the trick for him. The thought of exercising my back give me the shivers. Nearly all of my vertebrae are damaged and it does make some noises when I move :-0

    Ramble over for the night 😀

    Every day is a gift.
    To be shared with everyone

    Andy xx



    Hi Andy,
    Thanks for your invaluable advice! We seem to be getting most things right so far, which isn't far I suppose, eeverything that moves is disinfected and we have hand gel for anyone comming into the house to use, but at the sme time we are trying as much not to let it rule our lives completely, you may see by th times of my posts that I m the full night owl, at the moment I'm unable to sleep laying down as I have a fractured vertebra in my lower back so I'm camped out on a lounge chair mainy listening to audio books, Hendrix and Floyd on my ipod and tablet.
    Funny how things seem to come to a complete stop after being in work for nearly forty years, this wasn't in my plans at all, I thought I had had my 'blip' when I had a heart attack two years ago but we jut have to take whatt is thrown our way.
    Every day at a time !



    Morning Mal.
    I'm glad that you find my posts helpful. That's why this forum is here to pass on advice and to and support each other. I'm sure over time you'll do the same for others that come on board.
    It's a frightening disease and the first months are hard to get through but it does get easier as you get to know what the right way to go about thing is. It's a very personal disease too so what works for one may not work for others and how we react to the drugs is also different. It's important to listen to your body and not over do things. If your tired, and will get tired, rest up if you feel different or strange mention it to your medics, you can't be to careful. Side effects from the drugs are also important to report and it helps to keep a diary of everything so you can establish a pattern. As Tescos say every little helps. If you have questions for your consultant write them down as they pop into your head and take them with you when you have a consult – that goes for Karen too. Write down the answers too because there is an information over load and we do forget things.
    I was a night owl too when first diagnosed and it was my back too. I used to run a lot, up to full marathons, till my back started to give me discomfort. I had back ache for 18 months before I was diagnosed by which time most of my spine had suffered a lot of damage. Bone strengthener Zometa has helped stop the damage getting worse but it was very painful at the start of treatment. I could only sleep sitting up and had lots of painkillers of all descriptions. I've managed to cut down on the pain killers now but I can't walk very far or do much around the house. So reading, tv and music is a big part of my day now. I like your choice of music 😉 I'm in for an op on my back on Saturday hopefully that will give me some help with my back – I've lost 3 inches in height!
    Sorry to hear about your heart attack that must of been a shock too.

    Well I've managed to ramble on again and again I'm blaming the steroids.

    The journey ahead will not be smooth you will have good times and you will have bad times but take each day as it comes and enjoy the good days and fight the bad ones.

    Every day is a gift
    Use it.




    Hi Andy

    Good luck with the back op,:-)

    I am sure your local pub will keep the beer cold for your return!!!:-P

    Take it easy,love Eve



    Dear Andy
    Hope the op went ok and you are soon feeling less pain in your back
    Love Helen



    Hi Andy

    Just wanted to add my good wishes. Hope the operation makes a real difference to your pain.

    One thing about scooters, they can open up a very restricted life. You may have read, I have now taken it to Luxembourg twice and am planning my third trip.

    Yes, every day is a gift.

    Mavis x



    Hi Andy

    How are you, how'd the op go? Fingers crossed!,

    Vicki and Colin xx

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