Cyclo Prime

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ange 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi All

    After completing 9 cycles of CTD my paraprotein finally plateaued at 11.9 and I am due to have a Cyclophosphamide Prime next week followed by 9 days of G-CSF injections and then stem cell harvest. I should then have the transplant in February (after my son’s wedding) all being well. I was wondering what experience others may have and any tips to hopefully have a successful harvest etc. Also am I likely to lose my hair after the Cyclo Prime?! To be honest I really don’t mind as my thick, long, curly hair is so thin and dry and falling out anyway! I am enjoying a few weeks washout after my last CTD cycle. I feel quite well and strong now but the only annoying thing is hot flushes and night sweats (I am 53) so can’t do much about that! I have found this site invaluable throughout my treatment so far.

    Best Wishes



    Hi Andrea,

    I had my cyclophosphamide prime in March, I expected to be in hospital just one night but unfortunately got an infection so had to stay in for three days. I think the infection was unrelated to the cyclophosphamide. I had been warned my hair could fall out and it did but not straight away, it was over two weeks later. The stem cell harvest is quite straight forward, just boring and a little uncomfortable lying into the same position for several hours whilst connected to the machine.
    Hope it all goes well.




    Thanks for your reply Linda. I have had the chemo which went well although I was quite sick! Glad to be home now and taking it easy! I am managing the G-CSF injections myself so just waiting until the harvest on 18 Dec.

    Best wishes to everyone


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