Dad 89 diagnosedmyeloma


This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tony642 6 months ago.

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    New to forum. Looking for insight. I live in the states. I came home to wales to visit mum and dad. Unfortunately dad was admitted to hospital with back pain and yesterday was diagnosed with myeloma. He’s 89 and frail, not a candidate for chemo. I’m trying to gauge how much longer we will have with him. Drs are starting steroids Monday. If anyone out there has any insight my family would greatly appreciate it.



    So I’ll update this thread just in case it helps someone else. Met with haematogisy who gives weeks to months prognosis. They started dexamethasone and IV fluids. My dad’s mood is very very low. Of course I’ve decided to stay in wales.



    Hi Annieslp,

    So sorry to hear about your dad. I hope that you and he are bearing up well, and that at least he is not in serious pain.

    Please bear in mind that most of the people of this forum are myeloma patients and family/friends of those with myeloma. Although we generally have experience of and knowledge about myeloma, we are not (generally) medical professionals. You are asking for a prognosis, which is something that even doctors would hesitate to give.

    Having said all that, how is your Dad now? Can you give us info please (so we have something to go on), such as myeloma stage and some blood test results. How is he responding to steroids?




    Wanted to give an update. Dad was moved to a unit where there are no drs. He was weaned to 7.5mg dexamethasone from 10mg. This was a bad move as he’s stopped eating. Drinking minimal amounts. Has swallowing difficulties. Now a chest infection and requires oxygen.
    I’ll call palliative team and ask if it’s time for their services.
    Wish they would have kept him on 10mg… I don’t understand their rationale for the decrease.



    You would have to discuss that with the medical team. Dexamethazone can have some unpleasant side effects, and quite possibly they would be worse for someone of your Dad’s age, so whilst wanting to give him treatment, it might be a balance of what is best for him without giving him additional problems.

    Regards, Tony

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