Dara and eyesight

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 4 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hello all, I am on my 10th cycle of DVD 2nd line treatment. After the 6th cycle the sight in my right eye deteriorated almost over night My consultant says there is no evidence that the treatment does this.
    My optician prescribed new glasses say the right eye lenses 3x that of the left. Two months later my eye has worsened further and I have another eye check next week. Has anyone else experienced this?




    I was on a different line of treatment (DVT) but I also had a change in my eyesight (worse) and required a new prescription, annoyingly this improved again after the treatments had finished and I required yet another prescription



    Hi veggieperrin,
    Although im not on the same regime as you, im on VDT and have just finished my 6th cycle of 8 treatments.i also have experienced vision problems. I noticed vision changes (blured) vision right at the begining of my vtd.i have spoke to the heamotolagy team and one of the doctors and they say its probably side effects of velcade/dexamethasone and should settle down once treatment finishes.hope this helps.



    Thanks both for that, I thought my eyes might improve after stopping the weekly velcade/Dex ( I am on monthly maintenance Daratumanab now) but it hasn’t. Be interesting to see what the optician says next week.
    Will keep you posted. Take care



    Hello all,

    I’m sort of relieved to read this post although sorry that you are experiencing these problems too. I was on DVD earlier this year and my eyesight went really strange. I found it very difficult to focus on reading which was quite a problem and I kept dropping things due to not seeing properly what I was doing. My eyes felt very dry too. This side-effect was not on the list that my consultant gave me although I did notice it on an American website. I didn’t go to the optician as it was around lockdown but I am glad to say that my vision has now gone back to normal. I have just had a SCT so I am not on Dara maintenance. I hope it will improve for you, veggieperrin, given more time.
    Best wishes,



    Hi Rachel,
    I’m glad your eyesight has improved. I’ve seen the optician and she informs me in the last three months since I last saw her a cataract has formed in my right eye. We both think this is linked to the treatment because of the speed of the change. She is referring me to a specialist at the hospital.
    take care



    Hi Dave,
    I’m sorry to hear about the cataract but glad you know what the problem is and hopefully the treatment will be straightforward and improve your sight again.
    All the best with that,

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