
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  louishenry 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #133084


    Hi all,

    Dara is not available on the NHS but has been licenced. For anyone who fits the licensing guidelines (relapsed/refractory to 3 treatments, I believe) and is NOT on a trial this article might be of interest:

    Novel system to get dying patients an experimental cancer drug raises hopes — and thorny questions

    I don’t want to give out false hope but it might be worth contacting Janssen as they have given out “compassionate” supplies of Dara to European patients. The article is mainly about their setting up a committee to decide who should get the drug on compassionate grounds after receiving many requests. It’s an interesting read to say the least. Perhaps discuss with your consultant and contact them.



    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Interesting article. It all comes down to marketing strategies. The high cost of developing these drugs has to be covered somehow. If that is done with very high initial cost but some compassionate offers to deflect public criticism it is still a major problem for us and for the NHS. If only research could be funded by universities governments and charities the drugs could be immediately produced (after safety and efficacy trials) as generic drugs at much lower cost for everyone. Such sensible international cooperation seems to be pie in the sky in current political circumstances.</p>

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