

This topic contains 22 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  patsyann 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    That’s good news to start a year with! Hope all goes smoothly. David is a bit more awake today and feeling not too bad. His next treatment (his fourth) will be next Friday. Nurse in Day Unit on Friday phoned our local district nurses and arranged for them to come and do his bloods at home the day before, so we’ll be spared one lot of potholes this week which cheered us up a bit!



    Hi Jean. How did Mike’s first treatment go? All well I hope.



    Hi Pat. Mike’s first treatment went well. they split it over 2 days 10 hours each day. He had no reactions at all. Next weeks will be done in clinic. he came home yesterday. we where waiting for a care package to be reinstated but it was taking ages so I told him I was taking him home regardless, well surprise surprise they got there act together and someone came out last night. im so glad to have him moaning. x



    That’s good to hear, Jean. The first dose of a new treatment is always a worry. Like Mike, David had no reaction, although the Piriton anti-histamine knocks him out and the effects of it seem to last for the following couple of days. Having it done in clinic is much better. Here’s hoping Daratumumab works for all of us!
    Yes, getting care packages in place is a nightmare (for mother-in-law in our case) but forcing the issue sometimes works. I know what you mean about the moaning :-).



    mike is in the day unit getting his 2nd daratumumab. he will be reviewed in 8 weeks to see if its working, fingers crossed



    Hope this one is a bit shorter than the first. David will have his fifth on Friday. Interesting to know you’ve been given a timescale for a review on its effectiveness as we haven’t. Anyone else on Team Daratumumab been given any idea on how long it takes to know if it’s working? Or any clues to look out for in the meantime?



    Much shorter Pat, in at 9am out at 4pm. mikes just tired. im sure the grumpy man will appear tomorrow 100mg of dex. OMG



    Never thought I’d say this but I was actually looking forward to the energy boost that would come with the Dex. However David’s Daratumumab is given with Prednisolone as the steroid instead and it doesn’t seem to have that effect. He also doesn’t like the tablets as they’re not coated. He’s been given some to take at home tomorrow before treatment so we should have a shorter day at hospital.

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