Decade & abdominal pain

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  susie 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    I’ve had some abdominal pain which came on the day after I had the velcade jab. It’s not there all the time and feels like muscle strain or wind. I’m sure I’ve heard that velcade can cause abdominal pain. Has anyone experienced this problem.?



    Hello Susie,

    Funny you should post this.  I had 8 cycles of VTD (ended Feb’ 16) and four months later, I still had severe lower abdominal pains and diarrhoea.   It was like constantly having a ‘bad curry!’  After loads of investigations: colonoscopy, CT Scans, samples…  all these tests showed nothing.  And no diagnosis is currently available.  In fact I have to see the gastroenterologist consultant tomorrow.  After (very recently) emailing ‘Ask the Nurse’, Ellen Watters gave me some very useful information and Myeloma UK have a downloadable fact sheet regarding symptoms and causes of diarrhoea.  I’ve attached it (hopefully) to this post.  I know it’s not directly related to abdominal pain, but believe me, and certainly in my case, it is part of the problem I’m still experiencing.  I’ve had this difficulty for over two years now, however – I’ve realised that individual’s responses to MM – and the associated treatments, can be so different, that what’s a problem for me, may not affect you so severely, if at all; and lastly,  just to say, that my VTD treatment was  excellent in combatting the MM nasties.  Best wishes to you.




    Hi Peter

    Thanks so much for your reply. I was in a panic about the pain but luckily it gradually wore off by the end of the weekend.

    I’m sorry you are still experiencing problems and I hope it settles soon. Take care


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