Decision time

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kar 3 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    Hi I am 69 and was a very fit person walking, cycling, attending classes at the local Leisure Centre prior to being diagnosed with Myeloma in June 2024.I am on cycle 4 of induction chemotherapy. Unfortunately in August my kidney function failed and I had to have 2rounds of dialysis
    and 1 week in hospital.

    After a couple of weeks I am now feeling good but my kidneys are only 46% functioning.

    I now have the difficult decision to make after seeing the Heamotology/Oncology specialist who has pointed out that if I have the stem cell transplant there is a 5% chance it could affect my kidneys and I would have to go on dialysis permenantly. The alternative is to not have the transplant and just have monthly injections after cycle 6 and take the Lenalidomide tablet.
    Has anyone had a similar decision to make?



    Hi m warren
    My husband was diagnosed in October 2023 and was due to have a SCT in Feb 2024. Unfortunately because he suffered quite severe neuropathy from treatment the consultant decided he was too frail to go ahead with SCT. Anyway since then having been on no treatment his mobility has improved and life has got back to normal. We went on holiday and booked another. Then yesterday the consultant told us he could still have a SCT. This has thrown us. He is feeling so well at moment. Will there be any benefit. You say you have a worry re kidney function. My husband was on dialysis 18 months ago and we were told his kidney function might not ever improve. However following treatment it is now in normal range. It is a difficult decision re SCT and if you look on treatment page rabbit has posted a video re not having a SCT.



    Hi Kar

    Thank you for your message which is very helpful and I watched the video which was interesting.

    At the moment they have ruled out SCT for me
    and I don’t know whether that’s good or bad!
    I’ve had 5 cycles of chemo and am awaiting CT scan results for my lungs which came back as being abnormal on my lung function test.



    Hopefully you get some positive news. Don’t worry about the SCT. When we we told last year that we couldn’t have it we actually gained the time that it would have taken eg at least 3 months. There is nothing to prevent you having it at all later date if your kidneys improve

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