Dex and Weight Gain

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  basingunit 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    Just finished my second cycle of Velcade + Dex with very few side effects. However during the last week (after my last injection and pills) I have put on 12lb.
    No other changes in lifestyle to explain this.
    Anyone else had such rapid weight gain? My GP says that it is down to the Dex

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  alpenator.


    Hi, sorry no-ones responded yet and not sure I’m much help on this. I had velcade n dex weekly for 8 months and other than the round face I did not put on any weight at all. The nurses expressed surprise at this as they said dex gave you the munchies and it was almost impossible to resist eating a lot more. I never did start the munchies and continued to exercise throughout but the dex does inflate you I could visibly see my face bloat on the dex days then go down a bit but in the end it inevitably stayed round throughout treatment. So as with everything MM guess everyones different but think a lot of weight gain is probably the norm for a combination of reasons.




    Hi – first time I have contributed to discussions so apologies for any faux pas.
    My husband had 6 cycles of VCD, April through til August. He put on about three quarters of a stone with the Dex, although not eating excessively. Trouble is – he was quite slim before and is greatly troubled by the excess fat/fluid and is trying to lose weight. Another side effect I noticed was that at one time early on for a few weeks he was quite manic – putting up shelves everywhere and trying to spend money like water! Luckily this did not last!!! Be warned. Apart from that he had several other side effects with the whole VCD, some of which 11 weeks after stopping he is still having.
    All the best, Liz



    I found when taking Dex as part of CDT treatment for 8 months last year I put on about 20 lbs and gained 6 inches around the waist. Fortunately all these gains all went within 8-10 weeks of stopping treatment so don’t worry, it will go.

    After 9 months plateau I’m have now been on Dex again with Velcade and Cyclophosphamide  and have gained almost a stone in 8 months but I’m quite confident that it will dissapear when the treatment stops in 5 weeks time.

    Hope this helps to put your mind at rest a little.

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