diabetes and treatment


This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  nigelp 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    My wife is about to start treatment Valcade,Steroids and Falidamide and is worried how this will effect her diabetes . The cymo team don’t seam to be to botherd about this. Reading all the advice on here diabeties adds another dimension to her treatment. She is due to visit her GP this week to discus the treatment and her Diebeties but it feels to me that the medics are not on the same page and it’s not till there is a problem then they will all be on the same page. Am I just being paranoid about the whole thing?



    Hi Matthew,
    Sorry to hear your wife is in this situation but it’s good she’s starting treatment. I won’t pretend to know how Diabetes affects Myeloma but I will say the team will be constantly assessing things..I went twice a week for VCD just slightly different combination and my bloods were tested twice a week etc. I’m surs and hope she will be well looked after and monitored. You are bound to be concerned but I would tell the team your fears.
    Hope it all goes well..regards Deirdre.



    Hi Mathew sorry to hear about your wife.
    I was diagnosed in 2016 with a soft tissue solitary plasmacytoma in the nasal area,5 weeks of radiotherapy,in remission until feb 2018.Then further plasmacytomas .So now re-diagnosed as multiple solitary plasmacytoma.One of the tumours blocked my pancreas, so I had to have insulin as a diabetic.
    The chemotherapy I had included dexamethasone a steroid,on the days I took that had to increase the dose of insulin.The diabetic nurses in consultation with my consultant haematoligist decided the dosage.
    Luckily the chemo worked , so I am no longer diabetic or need insulin.
    In Feb 2019 had a stem cell transplant and currently in remission.All the treatment I have had is Myeloma based.
    I am sure your wife consultant will liaise with her diabetic team.It has to be closely monitored with steroids as it put your sugar levels up.
    Best wishes Nigel



    Hi Nigel thanks for the advice great to hear you are in remission. You know only to we’ll what this is like one minute you are going along with not a cere in the world the next life becomes very different. It probably is just me panicking about this new way of life.

    Many thanks




    Hi Matthew.
    Yes very true, it certainly does.
    I found it very daunting.especially understanding all the blood results.
    Luckily my wife was a nurse and came with me to consultant meetings, as it was hard to take it all in.
    I do not think you are panicking just correctly concerned.

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