Diagnosis Christmas Eve

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  zoomes 6 days, 18 hours ago.

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    I was diagnosed Christmas Eve with a paraprotein of 44g/l IgG. This was following a Free Light chain (BJP) count in my urine that was killing my kidneys. I am now on DVTd treatment on cycle 2, I just have a bit of peripheral neuropathy to work through with the docs. The kidney problem is most worrying for me. I started by having what I thought was chest pains but in fact were rib pains and were misdiagnosed ( in my opinion) by the cardiologist as angina , they duly put a stent in where they thought there was some occlusion, but two things should have alerted me, a) this did not relieve the rib pain, b) the medicine (TNT derivative) that you put under your tongue did not relieve the symptoms either. DVTd has all but cured the rib pain and my paraprotein has gone down probably by half by now.

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