Dry Skin

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  julierennie 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    For those of us going through chemotherapy treatment, or like myself,  just finished treatment (awaiting SCT in January), you may have found that your skin becomes very dry and scaley.  I’ve just been sent some wonderful cream by my equally wonderful Sister.  It’s called Udder Cream by MooGoo.  Apparently it was originally developed  for cows udders!!  I’ve used this cream for face and body, this morning and it’s wonderful, really enriching and non greasy.  The lady who recommended this to my Sister also went through chemotherapy for breast cancer and apparently she said that it’s prescribed to patients in  Australia.   All I can say is that it’s really worked and just wanted to pass this on.  While I’m on the forum, I think it’s fair to say that I’m bricking it about my SCT in a few weeks.  Does anyone have any good stories or advice for me, maybe I’m blowing it all up out of proportion.  My CCRD treatment has been difficult enough.  Thank you.



    Hi Julie
    Thanks for this
    The stem fell transplant is not a pleasant experience I won’t lie to you, but you can do it. If I can anyone can. I had mine 15 month ago and I’m currently in remission so try to think about the benefits it will bring and take the advice offered by the nursing staff and the many people on here who have gone through it already.
    Do make sure you use the mouthwash they give you and try to drink plenty of water when you can
    Let us know how you get on
    Kind regards



    Hi Chris

    Thank you so much for your post and take your advice about mouthwash. I feel so anxious at the moment, i’m unable to concentrate on anything, feel very low and sickness seems to have returned. I wish i could get my head around this whole thing but at the minute it seems very consuming. Sorry to sound so negative, really want to feel more upbeat but unfortunately can’t manage this at the present time.


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