DT Pace

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  lillian221257 7 years, 8 months ago.

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    Just been told today my husbands VTD treatment is not working after 6 cycles(diagnosed Nov 16). It’s kept the MM at bay but they want to try DT Pace now instead. It feels a bit daunting as I worry how he will be with this.



    My husband has now had his first cycle of DT Pace and is coming home today. Obviously concerned about infection so stocked up on all sorts of anti- bacterial stuff. !We were told that as he didn’t respond to VTD which seemingly is quite unusual?-his is very aggressive MM . Anyway else been told this?. I can normally get my head around things but today isn’t that sort of day …..



    Hi Lillian, Mm is a very individual disease and no 2 people will react the same. If Vdt hasn’t hit the spot I would think of it as just a different type of drug will suit better for his Mm. I believe dt pace is abit like sending in the heavy artillery so hopefully you will see great improvement and it will do the job for you both and give a long remission x



    Hello Lillian , I had two rounds of DTPACE (with velcade thrown in for good luck ) 3 years ago after my initial treatments (CTD, VTD ) didn’t work . Since then I have been in remission and on Revlimid maintenance so tell your husband to hang in there . I found the worst part of DTPACE was being tied to the drip pump for 96 hours non stop . Good Luck .



    Hi Rebecca,

    Thanks for your reply Rebecca. My husband isn’t one for forums etc but as you say it’s such an individual disease I just needed to have a little feedback . The consultants/staff at Freeman hospital have been wonderful and we have complete trust in them .Its been a long 7 months! However we do realise it’s a question of getting through the down times to get to the better times …

    Thanks again



    Hi Phil

    Thanks for replying.Funnily enough that’s what he’s been complaining about.!It is very restrictive but worth going through if the end result is good. Sorry to hear that it wasn’t any good for you after all that and it must have been disappointing. Excellent to hear you’re in remission with a different treatment though!It has helped us to know that . So we will wait to see the outcome of this regime .

    Thanks again


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