Effect in knee replacement

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jeapal23 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    I had a knee replacement 6 months before my diagnosis of MM.
    Now in cycle 2 of CTDa I am finding that the knee is very stiff and painful.
    Anyone else have similar side effects?



    Hi Anthony

    Sorry to hear about your troublesome knee. I found that while I was on Dec as part of CDT my arthritis pain in my replacement hips improved sad it hasn't worked for you. It is early days with your knee and they are notoriously worst than hips to get going again and to get free of pain.are still ale to do your exercises? If things don't improve ask to see your Orthopaedic Consultant sooner.

    Very best wishes.




    Hello Anthony,
    I'll give you the benefit of my experience. I'm 62, had bilateral knee replacement 4 years ago which has been very successful. I made a good recovery from surgery and began speed walking within a year, with little reaction other than some imbalance e in lower leg muscles. I was diagnosed with IgG MM in Sept 2011 (on my birthday!) and began treatment on Trial XI with Revlimid, Cyclophosphate and Dex in anticipation of an SCT and Melphalan. I'm at the QE in Birmingham under Prem Mahendra. During conditioning treatment with RCD I continued to walk although the speed and mileage dropped! I had a bout of pneumonia and cellulitis in Feb 2012 which meant me coming off RCD and then waited for SCT which I had in late May/June (4 weeks in the QE). I made a good recovery (complete response) and recommenced walking late last year; I now go out about 5 times a week and do 5 – 7 miles each time with both my knees and the rest of me doing very well apart from some issues with sciatica. It looks as though I'm relapsing at the moment (both my Paraproteins and Lambda Light Chain readings are climbing and I have some lesions in 2 of my vertebra) but I'm still walking and doing yoga stretches daily, which I intend to continue with as long as possible. My main (unresolved) issue at the moment is severe pain in the pelvis, buttocks and around the knees when I spend any time driving. I'm convinced that staying active is a key factor in combatting Myeloma, as well as my more mechanical issues! Tony, Solihull



    I don't have mm , my husband does, but I have had a full knee replacement December, my knee has become quite tight and swollen over the last two weeks, it's all part of the recovery so I don't think it's your drugs, but if you are worried let someone know

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