Employer support?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Benz 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    Wondering what range of experiences folks have had in terms of support from employers?


    Suitable flexibility to allow for treatment and still remain employed?

    Modification of work schedules during recovery?

    Working from home if your role permits?



    My employer has been very supportive. I have been on CTD treatment for a few months and reacted badly to the Dex (steriods) preventing me attending work for over a month. My employer has said if I feel I'd be better at work come in, otherwise stay at home.

    I guess it depends very much on the individual employer and perhaps the size of the company.




    Hi Scott

    I cant praise My Company hard or long enough, started my treatment in Feb 2009 (CTD leading up to SCT Dec 09) went on sick May 09 till May 2010 decided I wanted to go back to work (I work on a docks forklift tug driving ((hard graft)) and that) seen our MD and he said he found me (made a job for me??) and that was as a "Gateman" yep start and finish time would be 6am till 4pm ;-0 but Garry (MD) said I could start and finish anytime during those hours 😉 If I was awake and fit start at 6 and if tired start when I felt fit and go home as and when I wanted to.

    I have been doing the "Job" since May 2010 and still at it with all the perks and wages that me fellow workmates get, how long will it last?? I dont know I will keep turning up to a Job that was created for me till I cant or they dont want me anymore. If I have time off for holls or hospital no one takes over "The" Job so it was truly set up for me (dint have one before.

    Good Luck with yours Scott

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"

    ps I now do 6 till 2 mon to friday 😎



    Good to hear such positive stories.

    I guess employment law as it stands means a company has a duty of care for employees and with some changes to work situation should hopefully mean that folks are not 'pensioned off'.

    Having spoken with Co Dr his view is that they prefer to have folks working if they can and will be flexible to the needs of the employee to support them through their journey. Hope this discussion does not bite me on the posterior at some point in the future!

    Quite simply all I want to do is ensure that my family are taken care of without having to worry too much about looking out the life insurance policies.

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