Eye floaters affecting vision

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  basingunit 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    My mom has been on thalidomide the last seven years. Just recently my mum has been experiencing eye floater is her vision. Just wondering did anyone ever have any  problems with their vision associated with myeloma treatment. It could be unrelated but as everyone knows myeloma is a complex disease and you just never know.



    Yes I have black floaters in one eye. Thy developed when I was on the initial treatment of CDT. I have just been to the optometrist, but she didn’t really want to blame the drugs, just said many people develop them and more so with age (I am 64). I certainly did not have any before I started with the drugs. The floaters are REALLY annoying, especially as I love to read and now have the free time to do so.




    I had floaters in one eye for about 5 months whilst on CDT but then cleared up on it’s own. It was mostly  when looking down, it did play havoc with my golf for a while.

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