Facial Rash

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  judyg 1 year ago.

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  • #148618


    Strange Rash
    Hi, has anyone experienced a similar rash to myself?
    I was diagnosed with MM in March 22 and have finished treatment folowing 2 scts as have a high risk diagnoses. All has gone well so far and I’m now 10 months past my 2nd sct on lenalidomide and aspirin. I also take Omeprazole as I still suffer from heart burn. I also am reaching the end of my Zameta treatment.
    Over the last few months I have had an increasingly bad rash on just the top half of my face, from nose to a few cm into my hair line. This includes my ears and inside my nose. Up until now it has just been unsightly and annoying but more recently it stings when I put on E45 cream and has started to become itchy and red.
    It has been seen by various consultants who seem to think the rash may not be related to my Myeloma treatment as they have not had any reports of similar symptoms and it was the doctors advice to use E45 .I’m asking on the forum whether anyone else has experienced such a raise in the same area?



    Hi judyg,

    After i had my SCT in July 2023 i began to suffer with itchy skin on my face, particularly around my jawline and my forehead. This eased off but when i started cycles 5 & 6 it started again and i am convinced it was the thalidomide.
    I had a six week break in November/December and the itching stopped and my skin improved.
    I have now started on the maintenance drug, Lenalidomide and the dry itchy skin has started again.
    My forehead is growing increasingly sore and i am going to mention this again to my haematology team on Tuesday as i strongly believe it is the Lena that is causing this.
    I am sure it has to do with the drugs, but like you, my consultant is not convinced.
    Hope this reassures you that you are not alone.



    Hello Jennya,
    Thanks for getting back to me. Just an update on my rash!
    I stopped the E45 cream as it seemed to be exacerbating the situation and had an emergency appointment with my GP. Having sent her a photo of my face that wasn’t an issue. She prescribed Flucloxacillin and Terbinafine so attack it on two fronts. I have to say within three days there was a significant improvement and by the end of the week when the penicillin tablets were finished it was 95% clear with only my nose and ears still an issue.
    TheTerbinafine, an anti fungal, carried on for a second week and before they were finished I could feel the dry flaky skin reappearing. Apart from one day when I could feel the heat rising in my face it has never been as bad as it was before going to the GP. I use Epimax as a daily moisturiser. I was taken off the Lenalidomide for a month to see what effect that would have but as my face improved so shortly after stopping it I’m more inclined to think it was the Flucloxacillin that helped my skin.
    I have been referred to a dermatologist and have an appointment early next month. I’ll update after that.
    Hope you itching and situation improves soon



    I’ve not had the facial rash but do have it all over the rest of my body from the shoulders down to my knees.

    Following individual drugs being stopped temporarily it was pinpointed as Co-Trimoxazole as being the culprit and the rash subsided but didn’t go completely. This was confirmed when I went back on it temporarily for three days and the rash returned.

    If you’re on Co-T then it might be worth coming off it for a while.

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by  phil.


    Hi Phil,
    Between us it seems we have an almost complete body rash!
    Thanks for the suggestion, I have had co- trimoxazole in the past, but not for many months now. Like you I cut down on all the medication to see if that was the cause but even med free the rash persists. It is odd as some days it’s worse than others but I can’t work out any common factor that might trigger it.
    I’m Seeing the dermatologist next week so that might throw some light on it. It’s my daughter’s wedding at the end of the month so it would be good to lesson the freaky look if possible.
    Hope you remain rash free too

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