fatigue due to testosterone.


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  maidmarion 3 years, 6 months ago.

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    It’s just about 18 months since my stem cell transplant and I have been suffering fatigue more over the last 6 months. They tell me my blood work is great and my testosterone level is 7nmol/L and nothing to worry about as levels can range from 6.5 to 30 from person to person.

    However, hair is grown on my head more than it has done for 30 years and my fascial hair is much softer than its ever been. How does my doctor know that 7 is ok for me if she did not know what my levels were before I was ill? It could of been 21 for all she knows and 7 is very low for me.



    Hi, just read your post and thought I would give you my husband’s experience of low testosterone. He was involved in a motorbike accident six years ago and suffered injuries which affected the production of testosterone. When he saw a Consultant at hospital he was told his levels of 6.5 was extremely low and for his age (65 at the time) the level should be 12-14. The highest amount should be no more than 27 and a young fit man in his prime would normally be around 22-24. My husband was prescribed Nebido injections, which he continues to have. I can always tell when his testosterone is getting too low again as he becomes depressed, negative, very tearful and even more tired (you wouldn’t believe that could be possible with multiple myeloma and the tiredness that causes, but believe me he does). I would be inclined to ask for a second opinion and a referral to a urologist as they might be able to help you.

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