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    Many songwriters around the world know the acronym Fawm:

    [b]'February is Album Writing Month'[/b]

    It was first promoted to get people writing, with the aim of completing an album's worth of lyrics, melodies or both (14 in total) in 28 days… a tall order where quite a few songwriters only manage 5 or 6 a year and where even the prolific manage only 20 or so a year. But it has been a successful idea, where the taking part has been the main objective and failure to complete carries no shame… and even 2 or 3 lyrics or songs has been seen as 'successful'.

    In 2009 I participated and wrote 21 complete songs… I haven't participated since due to SCT's in 2010 and ennui in 2011. But I have decided I must participate this year…

    …only it is now February the 10th and I haven't started.

    I'll be happy to complete 2 or 3 but I'm aiming for the whole 14,,, never mind the quality, feel the width… be they pop, folk, rock, country or jazz… and I am hoping it will help to get me started and keep me going in my novel writing as well.8-)

    If you don't mind I will post each lyric here and every song I manage to complete and record. Please help by poking me with a stick if I haven't got started by Sunday. Despite everything going on in my life at the moment I really need to attempt this… however far I get.

    So by publically declaring my intention here… I hope to cajole, kick-start, shame myself into getting going – with a little help and encouragement from my friends. 😎 :-0 😀

    Thank you.:-)




    14 lyrics by the 29th February – different genres depending on how I feel – hopefully I will find melodies and I will record (and post here) any that are completed.

    If I end up with 14 lyrics, 7 melodies and 4 finished (recorded) versions I will be happy… with completion of others to follow.

    Here is the first lyric… a little country number for starters… melody in mind but another couple of lyrics to follow before I start recording.


    [b]FAWM Lyric 1.[/b]

    [b]Nine Hundred Miles Away

    1. [/b]
    I met up with an old friend, from a thousand years ago
    I always take it easy but man he takes it slow
    We took a gig at his local bar, for a steak and bottled booze
    And I sang a little country while he drowned himself in blues

    She sat in the front row and her red hair caught my eye
    A breezy blonde was set on me but my heart passed her by
    A single look was all it took to make me want to stay
    But my home and job in Philly, was a thousand miles away

    I need to see her face to face, where nothing can disguise
    The binding truth and certainty that echoed in her eyes
    If she tells me that she want me, my roots will change that day
    ?Cos I can?t love her as I should, nine hundred miles away

    A word or two alone with her then a slim hand grabbed her arm
    Her blonde friend was at the end to pull her free from harm
    A glance over her shoulder, a smile then she was drawn
    Away from me and I was on the road home come the dawn

    For several weeks that glance and smile haunted every day
    My whole life suspended; my thoughts all bent her way
    Then my old friend he called me and slowly broke the news
    She was asking after me and I knew I had to choose

    I need to see her face to face, where nothing can disguise
    The binding truth and certainty that echoed in her eyes
    If she tells me that she want me, my roots will change that day
    ?Cos I can?t love her as I should, nine hundred miles away

    I could take the first step and climb aboard a train
    I thought about a Greyhound but then I thought again
    Too much time for thinking and I might change my mind
    So I jumped on board this airplane and left my doubts behind

    I need to see her face to face, where nothing can disguise
    The binding truth and certainty that echoed in her eyes
    If she tells me that she want me, my roots will change that day
    ?Cos I can?t love her as I should, nine hundred miles away

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