Fed up

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  blobgob 1 year, 2 months ago.

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    I am on the Radar trial. I had my SCT in July and my 100 days post it went ok. I am high risk so automatically go on the consolidation pathway. It is 12 weeks in cycles the same as induction. I am struggling through this mainly I think because unlike induction I know what to expect!! However I am really fortunate as the side effects are mild and easy to cope with.
    I am on week 5 of treatment but…I have caught this cold which seems to be everywhere. I thought it had gone. My consultant stopped treatment for a week to let me recover and I felt better. Yesterday it started again runny nose, cough, tired and so on. I’ve phoned the hospital and they will check with me tomorrow to see about my treatment on Wednesday.
    I’m really fed up…..before myeloma I would take a cold in my stride but now it floors me. Im careful about where I go and who I see and really dont want to be a hermit. That would be worse!
    I think this has been a wake up call as up until now I’ve felt relatively well or at least I’ve convinced myself of that.
    Now a cold makes me feel like an invalid!
    I’m sorry I just needed to rant! I know it will improve.



    I found this happened to me a lot initially (long suffering colds) but once I was able to get back on the vaccination track, and get up to date with all the covid and flu jabs, I now find that colds don’t seem to come around so often.

    I even caught Covid last summer, but it only hit me bad for about 48 hours (at home) and then I recovered fast. At that point I was up to date with the vaccines.

    So until you get fully vaccinated feel free to rant here if it helps gc! That was a pretty minor rant IMHO though….. 😉

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