Feeling overwhelmed

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    My husband was diagnosed with my in March 2018 he went into remission in Nov 2018 he has tumour at base of spine which gives home great pain during this time he got addison’s due to being given to much dexamethasone he was due to have sct in January but it was discovered that he had, had a small stroke due to this and the addison’s he could not have it done .in April hes myeloma returned very aggressively with tumours on his spine which he now has to wear a full upper body brace for because of this he was put on bed rest laying flat for 6 weeks and now has a blood clot on his lungs he now been put on dvd and has this and velcade once a week has you can imagine he gets very down as he is now very limited as to what he can do ,I love him with all my heart but sometimes it’s very hard .I don’t want him to see I’m upset or struggling a bit but sometimes I struggle which makes me feel very guilty my main goal is to keep him upbeat and as hopeful as possible



    Hello, I’m really sorry to hear you’re having such an ordeal. I do hope you are getting some support for yourself – if not, definitely ask the hospital to put you in touch with somebody you can talk to face to face. Don’t be hard on yourself if you struggle – who wouldn’t struggle sometimes? We all do.



    Dear ginger, my story mirrors your husbands almost exactly except I have ppcl myeloma which has less bone involvement but gave me kidney failure. I didn’t get my sct due to heart damage caused by my doxorubicin chemotherapy and relapsed soon after my induction treatment finished. I am now back on treatment of Daratumumab velcade and dex. I’m finding the initial stages of treatment quite taxing but fortunately I don’t have the physical challenges of your husband. My hubby does his best to keep my spirts up during the bad days, I’m sure everything you are doing will be much appreciated so don’t feel you aren’t doing enough.
    Best wishes

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