Feeling sick

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  BADGER 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi all

    Frank finished CDT on Thursday and for 3 days he said that he was beginning to feel human again. For the past 2 days he has been feeling so sick – has not actually been sick but just feeling so nausea. Not sure if I had read about sickness after treatment or if it was after SCT. Does anyone have any knowledge of this?

    Love Jean x



    Hi Jean,I felt very sick for 10-14 days after both my transplants and lost a stone on each occasion as I couldn't keep anything down, but once my blood started to recover I began eating again and felt much better. The problem is the Melphalan which wipes out the bone marrow making your blood counts continue to drop for at least 10 days after the sct. Once the blood counts start to rise you will soon start feeling better and after 1 month there will be a marked improvement then after 2-3 you should be feeling more like your old self but just be careful of infections which can knock you back and slow your progress to recovery.
    Sickness after treatmentI must be honest I don't understand. Is this his final cycle or just the first?

    Best of luck and good health with a long remission.




    Hi Keith

    Thanks for that. Will remember but Frank hasn't started SCT yet, he's waiting for a date. He has just finished the CTD. He is really feeling rough

    Keith hope your treatment works for you. Thinking of you

    Love Jean x



    Hi Jean

    I don't remember feeling sick after CTD but wasn't too good during and just after STC.

    Whenever I felt a bit queasy I kept sipping soda water. It seemed to settle my stomach.

    It may help Frank.



    Hi Jean and Frank

    Well I was on CTD and I was taking "Granisetron" twice a day evry seven days, I cant recall feeling Sick while going through MY CTD but was felt it after SCT and did for over a month so get the anti sick tabs for Yourself Frank when you get sent home.

    I would check for a sickness bug ? lot of it going around, so get well soon Frank and ready for the Transplant.

    Love to you Both
    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Jean,

    Dad finished his 6th cycle of CTD about 6 weeks ago now and for the first few weeks he said he felt worse than when he was on the treatment. He had expected to finish the treatment and start to feel better straight away. Its only the past week or so that hes actually started to feel better and he has even managed to take the car out for a run…..havent seen him so smiley in a long time. Hang in there, it takes a while for the drugs to get out of the system and muscles to start to recover. It seems such a long time but will be worth it. The consultant said not to rush things and build up strength gradually. I hope Frank starts to feel better soon

    Nicola xxx



    Hello Jean

    sorry Frank is feeling sick it could of course be a winter sickness bug and not the CDT its probably hard to tell but he hasnt felt sick before has he perhaps a quick call to the clinic will sort it out
    Love Jo x

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