Feeling the reality is sinking in

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    So at 50, it’s hit me that I won’t live forever. Thought me and the wife (my world) would grow old and smelly together, but we are not. I’m will remain positive but on some days that bloody sentence enters my head.

    “Well Mr Raggett you have a treatable but incurable cancer called Myeloma”

    Was diagnosed January this year



    I felt similarly when diagnosed aged 41, had Chemo and a SCT on the Myeloma 9 Trial in 2007 so there is hope.




    Adrian. I’m now 70 and was diagnosed last June. It came as a bolt from the blue. I never really felt sorry for myself but had a few tearful moments when I thought of family. How long would I have? I’m not sure if you have any other physical issues but you mustn’t think of this as a death sentence. There is such a lot that can be done and without doubt you have a future. You are just on a different path and you are going to have to manage your life in a way you never expected. After 5 cycles of VTD chemo my blood results were all back to normal. Two weeks ago I came back home following a stem cell transplant. It all went very well and I’m so impressed by the skill and resources that went into my care. Managing Myeloma is a tried and tested process so just be guided by the medics. Who knows how long I’ll have before it returns, but I live for today and hope it will be years before it’s back. Perhaps by the time it returns there may be a cure. Let’s hope so. Don’t give up on the dream to “grow old and smelly together”.

    Best wishes,




    Hey Adrian,

    one of those rare moments in life when I can say ‘I know how you feel’ and not do so patronisingly. Same situation as I was diagnosed in Mar 18 age 52. Twelve months on and I sat in hospital recovering from autologous stem cell treatment. Induction treatment was fine, no huge Sid effects and I kept working too. Auto hasn’t been great but the outcome should be worthwhile. I’m going straight on to Allo in Sep. All of which I’m doing to grow and smelly with my wonderful wife and family.

    Stay strong buddy, there are so many options out there now.




    Hello Adrian,
    I was diagnosed when I was 49. Two relapses with all three treatments giving me remission. Certainly can be treatable if not curable. Just having a bit of maintenance treatment now after my second relapse. Still here nearly 13 years after diagnosis.
    Best wishes

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