Finished CDT

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    My husband was dianosed in August and just finished his 6 cycles of CDT. He has nothing but infections since starting CDT so SCT isn't advised. We came home from the hospital after being told a few days ago and he thought after a day or two of not taking the medication he would start to feel better but infact feels worse and quite low emotionly has any one else experienced this or should I be looking deeper into infection but temp or outward signs of infection
    Thank you



    Hi Lisa and Hubby

    Am sorry Hubby is having too many infections? (what kind of infection?)
    As for the CDT I was on that in 2009 it made me tired that tired that I went on sick during my 4th cycle 🙁

    Lisa always keep an eye on his temp and stuff as the Dex can hide an infection, am sure you have been told to ring the ward that he was being treated at if you have a problem ?
    Keep your eye on it and good Luck with it all

    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xx



    Thank you for your reply had pneumomia 3 times which meant stays in hospital and chest infections been on antibiotics most of the time to be honest never used a themometer so much lol.

    I always keep a check but didn't know if this normally happens like withdrawal or some thing. The hospital have been great with all this but often just say it normal but thought I could check with people who have been through it still coming to terms with it as well I suppose.



    Hi Lisa

    Sorry your hubby is not feeling so good and hope he starts to improve soon. When Frank was on CDT for the whole time he had the most horrendous rash in his groin. They tried everything g to get rid of it. It did not go totally away but eased a bit, and then went away when he finished meds. I know it took him some time for him to feel 'human' again (his words) after stopping. I did (and still do) keep a close eye on him and nag him to take his temperature every day,and even his blood pressure ????

    As Tom says keep an eye on him (I'm sure you do) and I always contact our day unit at Belfast city hospital who are brilliant and are always there to offer advice and support. So Lisa use yours

    Rake care and best to your husband
    Love Jean x



    Not a Problem Lisa hope Hubby (dont know his name? ) is soon better and bear in Mind the treatment and side effects differ from each of us.

    Where is Hubby (name) being treated?

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards xxx



    Hi Lisa,

    Sorry to hear your hubby had a rough ride through his treatment…..Colin had lots of infections too, we were at the hospital nearly every month and on most occasions he stayed in for ranging between 3 days and a week. We were on first name terms with the staff and the volunteers!

    I wondered why they weren't going to do an sct for your hubby, there wasn't a doubt for Colin. Was it because he has pneumonia? Also do you think hubby might be feeling down coming of the meds and not having sct? Colin found the help of the clinical psychologist very helpful and he'd been anti that prior to but they were great, perhaps hubby might benefit?

    Hope he feels better soon!
    Vicki and Colin x



    Thank you Tom My Husbands name is Mick should have mentioned it before.

    He is being treated at Southend University Hospital, it has all been a bit of a roller coaster it was only found by a routine blood test in July and was in Hospital beginning of August with high protien levels and was damaging his kidneys he had treatment started the chemo and here we are.

    Thank you Vicki I think he is fine with not have sct to be honest but not sure could be all hitting him now as it all happened quite fast before. He has MS as well and he took each time the pneumonia came on it was about 10-12 days of iv antibiotics and he has had several chest infections to with every thing they think it might be a little risky but Mick feels the same and doesn't want it

    I might have a look at the psychologist thank you they may help.

    He says he just aches and general feels like rubbish will keep and eye I think and if it no better will get the doctor to check him out
    Love Lisa



    Hello Lisa and Mick

    Cdt worked for me did feel low at first after treatment but soon recovered i got 3yrs 6months remission no SCt due to kidney damage had MM for 4 years and have just started velcade so be positive things will get better;-)
    Love Jox



    Thank you Jox, It really helps to know it's normal and even though his is not having SCT doesn't mean you have to give up. I am showing him the posts and think they are helping.

    Still trying to understand it all, I'm sure I will get there

    Love Lisa xx



    Hi Lisa and Mick

    We have a few on here doing great and not having a SCT and I think the Dr's are nw thinking that its best if we don't have one ? .

    I was a bit washed out during my CTD but it came back,not same as I used to be but doing good.
    Stay well .

    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx

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