Thank you Tom My Husbands name is Mick should have mentioned it before.
He is being treated at Southend University Hospital, it has all been a bit of a roller coaster it was only found by a routine blood test in July and was in Hospital beginning of August with high protien levels and was damaging his kidneys he had treatment started the chemo and here we are.
Thank you Vicki I think he is fine with not have sct to be honest but not sure could be all hitting him now as it all happened quite fast before. He has MS as well and he took each time the pneumonia came on it was about 10-12 days of iv antibiotics and he has had several chest infections to with every thing they think it might be a little risky but Mick feels the same and doesn't want it
I might have a look at the psychologist thank you they may help.
He says he just aches and general feels like rubbish will keep and eye I think and if it no better will get the doctor to check him out
Love Lisa