First Week of CDT Completed

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #101528


    Hello to all,
    First week of treatment completed without any real problems apart from severe abdominal pain which started Sunday morning. Had blood test today with the following results Hb(9.1) Plts(13) Nuets(1.5) WBC(2.2). Will be having plts transfusion along with Zometa tomorrow. Because of the more acceptable Hb count I don't think I will need a blood transfusion…first time in a month.

    Best of health to you all.




    Dear Keith,
    So so pleased.



    Hi Keith,

    Well so far so good, even if it is very early days. Your Nuets are holding.perhaps building and the rise in your HGB is good news too. 🙂

    I do hope that the CDT helps to get you back on track and as long as your bloods hold out you could go several cycles, perhaps reaching remission or a healthy plateau. I know that being on any treatment is not much fun but if they can iron out the side-effects of CDT you might get something approaching a fair quality of life while on it. 😎

    Keep in touch and all the best 🙂




    Hi Keith

    Well done, that's one down. How many are you expecting?

    All best wishes.

    Maivs x



    Dear Keith
    Good start, let's hope you get a good run with it. Love Helen



    Hi Keith

    Good first week, keep your eye out for constipation that was a devil for me if I got lax (no pun intended) and never took the mess to keep me regular.

    And don't forget the water, I would say a little more than 3 Ltr a day as I suffered urinery infections and was told to drink more.

    Keep well Keith I did 5 cycles then SCT.

    Tom Onwards and Upwards

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