Fluid Intake

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    My partner was diagnosed with non secretary myeloma in March and after an initial good result from 4 cycles of VTD it seemed to stop working and he is now started RCD.

    He is whacked all the time bless him, just wants to sleep, doesn’t eat much and I’ve been told to try to keep my partners fluid intake up to 2 or 3 litres a day but he finds this hard as it is a lot of fluid and I just don’t know what to do.

    I’m petrified of doing the wrong thing. Is there anyone else who knows what to do? Do I let him rest or do I push him to move and eat and drink?



    Hi, I believe it is extremely important to stay well hydrated for a variety of reasons, including protecting the kidneys, and 3 litres a day should be the aim especially whilst on a 3 drug combo. I am still doing this even tho currently drug free so it must become an integral part of your life. I found this to be very difficult but it does get easier. I find drinking warm water much more palettable, initially I drank it with one of those thick plastic straws so I could glug down more without feeling as though I was drowning in it. Buy a 6 pack of 500ml water bottles for the day – break it down and allow him to see how much more is left for the day. I found if you try drinking really cold water it is much harder than room temperature or warm. You can add a bit of cordial, use decaf tea, but I was always told just water is the best so that’s what I do. I would try having lots of home made soup also for nourishment because it is easy to eat and has the added benefit of adding to the hydration factor also. Make him eat little and often it is important to keep his strength up. When I was on my own during the day, when first diagnosed and on treatment, I could have just slept/zoned out for the day so I used to set my alarm at set intervals so I woke up and drank some of my quota (treated it like taking medicine – a necessity and part of my new life to get used to) and then zoned out again. Eventually it is habit forming and won’t be so hard. I am looking at a 500ml bottle now (my daughters) and would suggest you get 6, space out the day, wake him and make him finish a bottle each time – they are not that big and have a nozzle top a bit like a straw so you don’t drown in big gulps. Try the same quantity in the bottle but warm as an alternative to see which he prefers also. I only use tea and other drinks as an addition to the water as this was explained to be best for me, but I have kidney damage. I believe you can count decaf tea etc but try and make water the bulk of it. As my mum always says strength goes in at the mouth so wake home and pace him. It will get easier for you both as time goes on, Best wishes




    Thank you Rebecca, I’ve tried the bottle thing and doing it so that he drinks 200ml every hour but there are days when he is so whacked that he can’t seem to do anything at all let alone drink.

    I will keep pushing him though and the warm drinks rather than cold sound like a good idea.


    Best Wishes






    Good Evening Ladies, I’ve just read the posts about drinking water. Like you Jane I have a husband who is tired and drinking enough water can be an issue. Water is the best but sometimes my husband will have a fruit juice with lemonade or cola, not ideal but better then nothing. And he has also been know to have oxo drink. I to like your idea Rebecca of warm or room temp water, thank you.All the very best to youJulie





    Good evening – it’s really hard isn’t it. I know my partner is incredibly frustrated as the side effects are horrid- hoarse voice, blurred vision, no appetite, difficulty walking and muscle wasting as s result of the steroids, bruising etc bless him it’s so hard to watch and be strong. This forum is a god send as it helps you realise you are not alone. God bless everyone xx

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