fruit and veg after stem cell transplant

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  tonyf 7 years, 10 months ago.

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    hi, I am 3wks post stem cell transplant and doing ok apart from feeling very tired all the time. I love fruit and vegetables but am a bit confused as whether I am allowed them. Nothing was said about not eating them when I left hospital but a friend has said to me that I shouldn’t be eating fresh fruit and veg unti 100 days post transplant. Does anyone know what I can and cannot eat or if tinned fruit and veg is ok.



    Cooked fruit and veg should be ok. Wash salads and raw fruit thoroughly. Avoid pre packed salads. The Myeloma UK Infosheet ‘Diet and Nutrition in Myeloma’ lists some foods to avoid while you are still neutropenic. Hospitals also issue lists of foods to avoid, you can find some of them by searching online. The list in the Christie document ‘Going home and the future…’ Is quite long. I must admit that later on (well past the 3 weeks you’re at) I didn’t stick to the rules completely, I do like Stilton and Stilton-like cheeses. I also had the occasional panini with a Brie filling.

    Take care, Ian



    Any thing well washed and cooked thoroughly should be ok and yes avoid prepackaged



    Thanks for your replies, having done well going thru stem cell transplant didn’t want to end up back in hospital with infection thru eating something I shouldn’t!



    morning all. feeling nervous at minute after remission of two years myeloma returned six sesions of VDC and feeling great but now there saying have another SCT ive got stem cells stored but oh gosh the decision has to be made do i go for it !!!and what happens if i dont going on holiday tommoro so ill have to do some thinking .what do those of you who’ve had second one think xx annlynn



    I only got 12 months from my first one so I won’t be offered a second, but if it was recommended I would go for it. It’s unpleasant but the really horrible bit only lasts a week or so.



    I had 26 months remission from my first SCT so when I relapsed I was offered a second SCT. After treatment with my pp,s down to 2 I had the second SCT. Managed it quite well and returned home after 14 days, took a while to recover but am now a year down the line, my pp,s are undetectable, officially in remission, no drugs, no treatment, no maintenance only zometa every three months. Visit the consultant every three months with interim blood test every  6 weeks. I’m aged 72! I don’t regret going for a second SCT.

    Good luck with your decisions.


    Tony F

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