Full Remission

This topic contains 34 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by  PeterJames 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #102154


    Well done Peter, you must feel a great relief. Have that glass of champagne when your taste buds get back to normal. You deserve it.




    Hi John.
    How did your 100 day test results go? hope you had good news and have been celebrating rather than posting?
    Fingers crossed



    Hi rebecca hope your kidneys improving my doc says thay will repair
    them selves.
    SCT you will do it you r strong.

    100 days last wednesday ranDomised revlimid and zolinza ? Pick up drugs tomorow and have BMB OWWWCH
    PP 1
    Wish i could be more help
    john x



    Hi peter
    I go back tomorow to pick up revlimid and zolinza thats the outcome
    of randomisation to maintenance +BMB OWWWWCH PP 1
    I dont know for hawlong or what
    take care john



    Hello Billy Here .
    Just got news i am in full remission and will have Transplant on 15 May
    of my stem cells .was feeling scared but now am so relieved to finally know its going to happen .
    But hey FULL REMISSION it was so wonderful to see my wife and kids faces when i told them .
    ok back to work chat soon .



    Hi Peter

    Very good news,you must be feeling on top of the world

    Was interesting what you said about not likening alcohols Slim is the same and he loved his wine. He even tried a G&T yet other people enjoy drinks wonder why taste buds do not come back with some people.
    I will not take Toms name in vain ,!!! Lol Eve



    Hi Billy
    Well done on getting that news 😀 I know how good that feels (still remember it lol)
    Good Luck with your Transplant its a bit uphill sometimes but well worth it 😎

    Eve I never said my buds are back I just like the "Feeling" Lol, and trust me you can take my name anywhere it will stand you in good stead :Lol hope your both doing well Eve??

    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xx



    Hi Eve
    I am a very happy bunny, but feel a bit of a fraud when reading the posts of others who have or are suffering a hell of a lot more than i ever did
    My appetite is quite good , some things I can taste nicely , eg not too spicy curry, hooked on chicken noodle soup , but I think that is still legal
    Mouth still fairly dry which does not help with some foods , still trying to get rid of cough I have had pre SCT, specialist says mathilan can cause it & will eventually go
    Still hopeful on the red stuff , but no success as yet ! I try on a regular basis but might as well be drinking vinegar !
    I reckon Tom had regular infusions of booze through his Hickman line



    Hi Peter

    I was ging to say that about Tom bu ran out of nerves,he keeps an eye on my post in case I take the mick.lol
    Sorry about spelling this I pad has a mind of its own, Eve



    Hey Peter I had a femoral line in don't do Hickman's as the get infected easy, and I am on glasses now femoral line has been removed Ha ha.

    Eve now don't you go blaming the Ipad as it has a spell check with it Lol, and I know you could never run out of nerves Lol.

    Love to you Both

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xx



    Hi Tom
    Major step forward this evening , nearly as earth shattering as being told in remission
    Don't tell anyone else but I had a glass of alcoholic white wine with my meal
    Normally red is my poison but not ready for that as yet
    Ain't life good !
    Keep O & upping



    Hey guys

    So pleased to hear you got the white white going Peter! That's a result….toms our resident expert on the vodka hey? 🙂

    Go for it …..Colin seems to have got his taste back for white, not red and has had 3 glasses tonight…..now dozing off, pretty as a picture 🙂

    Keep well all x



    Hey Peter
    Well done you 😀 ( oh is it wrong to advice folk to drink??) Life as you say is Great and am sure you will soon be on the red :-).

    I think my Vodka goes ahead of me I think Lol, am pleased Colin has got his white back (don't do white) 3 glasses then sleep sound darn good to me ha ha.

    Take Care you all

    Tom Onwards and Upwards x



    Well done Pete I know how it feels when you get news like that.



    congratulations:) i cried when henry got that news! xx

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