Full Remission

This topic contains 34 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by  PeterJames 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #102166


    Hi Pete

    Well what fabulous news am so pleased for you

    You didn't,t say where you are going on your travels

    So I wish you a fab time

    Enjoy, Enjoy,Enjoy

    Ps I sent you a message but it has disappeared somewhere

    Jane xx



    Thanks Jane re holiday I only go in this country as travel insurance is to expensive, also had a bad experience with a holiday booked for Malta a few years ago when the week before a vertebrata collapse and was hospitalised and lost all our money. So Now I rather not take the risk.
    But my children live away one in Halifax and one in Worthing so we visit then and living in gods county 🙂 its a permanent holiday.
    All the best



    Hi Billy,
    Good news with the remission, it is what all the family want to hear and
    good luck with the SCT, it is hard as you will be feeling the best you have for a long time, but as every one has said it is worth it.

    Hi Peter,
    this is interesting re your cough, I too have had a cough since just before my SCT, possibly from the first infusion of chemo prior to hospital admittance? I have asked if it can be related to my myeloma, but have been told not, but I still have this cough now and my chemo was February 2012 and SCT March 22nd 2012. When I last saw my consultant locally he sent me for an xray of my chest and now my GP has now got me on a course of antihistamines to see if it is perhaps alergy related. All I want is to stop this dam coughing!!!!!!!!

    Take Care



    Congratulations Peter… good news for you and good news for us… enjoy every single day and I hope it lasts for years.8-)




    Hi Dai
    Life is full of ups & downs !
    My last Christie blood test I think was early march , showed no pp, so I was sacked & went back to my local BMI who did the initial investigations then the CDT
    Local Haematologist took blood mid April do establish a data base, the result showed pp at 3 !
    So much for zero pp
    All other 30 plus bits of blood were fine , asked about my general state of health , I have to say under the circumstances it's pretty good , fully out & about , running jumping etc ( slight exaggeration !) eating like a pig , diet about to start , even drinking
    Haematologist said she was not to concerned , test results can vary from test centre to test centre , the only way to achieve total consistency would be same test centre , same technician using the same test machine.

    The maphalan drug can cause the cough , but it takes some getting rid of !
    Several of us at the Christie had it
    All the best

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