G-CSF side effects

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  briggs-family1974gmail-com 10 months, 4 weeks ago.

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    Hi all.
    Could anyone tell us about side effects with the injections in run up to stem cell harvest.
    Having 2 injections daily for 5 days to mobilise the cells ready for harvest and feeling a lot of bone pain. Weird sensation, like a sore back but not , if that makes sense?
    Anyway some advice on your experience would be much appreciated



    I’ve just been through the same process. Had my cells harvested on Monday and Tuesday this week and the injections from last Thursday. Bone pain is one of the side effects they warn you about. I had no side effects Thursday, mild back ache Friday but Saturday was more severe back ache and yes I know what you mean about it not being like the normal backache. It felt better if I walked around and kept busy rather than sitting. It was milder on the Sunday, then even though the hospital gave me injections on the Monday and Tuesday , harvesting days, I didn’t feel any side effects. I hope it eases, but be assured it should be expected. Contact your haematology team if you think it’s too extreme of course. Best wishes for the harvesting and transplant. My transplant is 30th April. Glennis x


    Thankyou so much. That’s quick for your transplant we have been told hopefully May but most likely June before they can get it sorted.
    Good luck , hope all goes smoothly and please let us know how you get on as the advice and input we get here is invaluable

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