GCSF Side Effects

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jillmartin 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    I’m just in the process of going through a stem cell harvest for SCT No. 2 (No.1 was in 1999).

    On Sunday, night 5 days after the Cyclo Priming, and about 2 hours after my evening self-injection of GCSF I started with kidney pain. This got to seriously painful levels and was characterised by a 2-3 second throbbing peak to the pain in both kidneys. It was by now about 10pm and, under the normal instructions, we called the St James, Leeds Haematology ward. They told us to come in straightaway. Cutting a longer story short the on duty Doctor suspected kidney stones, which was exactly how it felt and sorted out pain relief.

    Tests yesterday found no kidney stones and that there had not been any kidney stones which had passed. A consultant haematologist thought I had mistaken kidney pain for pelvic pain, which frankly annoyed me, I have had a pelvic lesion so I know that type of pain and I have kidney infections so I know that sort of pain.

    Has anyone else experienced that sort of reaction to GCSF?

    None of the websites mention kidney pain either as a side effect either.



    Dear Andrew
    My name is Jill and I am one of the myeloma information specialists here at Myeloma UK. Sorry you have not had a reply to your question as yet. This may be due to no one else having had  a similar experience with renal pain and GCSF so I hope you do not mind me responding.
    I can understand the Haematology Consultant thinking it may have been pelvic pain or pain radiating from the pelvis as this is a common side-effect of GCSF along with fever, chills ,headache, rash and fluid retention. However, due to your previous experiences you know the type of pain you were having and its origin.
    Renal pain following GCS-F is very rare. It has been reported in a few patients but the reasons are not clear. I can email you the link to this information if you call or email us directly with your email address.
    I am sorry that I have been unable to find any further information but I hope you have had no further pain. If you have any questions, or would like to talk things through, please feel free to call the Myeloma Infoline on 0800 980 3332, I or one of my colleagues will do our best to help. Alternatively you can email directly to askthenurse@myeloma.org.uk
    Kind Regards

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