Getting Diagnosed accurately

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ale2104p 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hello everyone,

    I’m looking for some advise please. I had been fighting chronic Lyme disease for 21 years. I had stem cells treatment in Germany in 2017.
    I remortgaged my house for the treatment. I’m 44 years old. Now my GP actually thinks that I have myeloma. We’re doing a lot of blood tests. And I will be referred to a hematologist. I’m also seeing a kidney specialist on the 14th of February. I’ve got to say my GP has been amazing. But I’m obviously very concerned as my body feels as it’s failing me. I’d never heard of myeloma until my GP mentioned it and she made it quite clear why and what she was testing for. As I have no immune system at all. All my WBC & RBC are chronically low. When I was having treatment in Germany they did give me Neupogen to try and boost my WBC. But they actually lowered them. This medication also caused me chronic bone pain every month I injected it. Can any one help with diet please? And also what to expect when I see the hematologist. I do try and keep my diet plant based. Purely because I was trying to keep my body alkaline. But now with my kidney’s being poorly I’m struggling with food to. Any help or advice I would greatly appreciate it. Best wishes to you all Ali xx



    Dear Alison, I was diagnosed with myeloma via blood tests of which there are many different kinds to detect different strains of myeloma and also a bone marrow biopsy.
    If you do have myeloma the hematologist will have every tool at his disposal to confirm it. As far a diet is concerned I believe in balance and a little of what you fancy does you good, having done 6 months of chemo just keeping my weight up was my main priority.
    If you are confirmed as having myeloma I am happy to share what I have learnt on my journey.
    Best wishes



    Aww thank you so much Cassidy for replying to me. I’m waiting for the blood results back hopefully on Thursday this week. It’s feeling like a long time. But it’s not really. Also the kidney specialist on Thursday.

    Sorry to hear that you do have Myeloma. But it’s good to find out so you can get the best possible treatment. 6 months of Chemotherapy must have taken a lot of strength. Well done and I know it’s not easy. My Grandpa had leukaemia, and I remember everything he went through. I hope your on the upwards now. I’ll keep updating here on how my tests are going.

    Again thank you so much for reaching out. I really do appreciate that. I’d never heard of of this before.

    Take care and gentle hugs
    Alison x



    Hello Alison,

    I don’t have anything different to add except to say that your haematologist will be able to tell if you have MM or not. Generally a bone marrow biopsy and MRI/CT/PET scan will also be done. I was diagnosed in August last year and started treatment in September. It’s been a challenging 6 months to say the least but I am at ease with myself now. Personally it’s harder for my family as I just do whatever my consultant says. I should be moving to Stem Cell Transplant in March.

    I wish you all the best with your diagnosis.

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