This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Debs 12 years, 10 months ago.
Hi everyone.
I wanted to do another cheeky shout out and see if any of you or your families/ friends may be able to help me through contacts you may have.
Whilst I'm doing ok in remission, I have decided to do a Glitz and Glamour Ball, with auction and raffle, on 10th November 2012 in aid of Myeloma UK – Our aim is to raise over £10,000 if we can! But to do this, we need lots of great raffle prizes (unused unwanted Christmas presents, bottles of wine/ whisky/ perfume, toiletry sets, games, jigsaws, books, pictures, chocolates….anything new!!!) , great auction prizes, donations for gift bags, and if possible sponsorship!
If you think you, or anyone you know might be able to help, we would love to hear from you. Details of the ball can be found on our website at and there are details of the sponsorship/ advertising packages on there. Or, please feel free to email us at and let me know what you can do….I have letters confirming what we're doing, printed versions of the sponsorship booklet etc…hopefully all looking very professional so the details are suitable to go out to any company at all…I am about to start roaming the streets of Buckinghamshire! However, we are very aware that companies are much more generous where they have people they know asking them for prizes….and I don't know that many company contacts!
The Ball is to be in Marlow, Buckinghamshire, and you are all obviously welcome! Tickets cost £49.50 (or £45 if paid for before the 31st May) for a 3 course meal, auction, band and disco. Raffle tickets will also be available nearer the time. It would be great to meet some of you there so take a look and see what you think.
We are also on twitter: glitz2012
Thanks everyone and any support you can give us would be much appreciated!!
Debs x
Hi Debs
I'm delighted to hear you are doing well and take my hat off to you organising such a splendid event.
Where do we post stuff to if we want to send you raffle prizes?
And how is your hair doing? Shall you have a delightful coiffure in time for the event – very clever of you to pick the date for when you would have chic short hair.:-)
Love Helen
Ah thanks Helen. I'm sorry that I haven't been on here more but what with the kids, redoing the bedroom and trying to organise the ball, life's been so hectic….and perhaps there has been a small part of me trying not to let myself become too bogged down with having myeloma. Selfish I know.
My hair is staying short for a while….hopefully people haven't been lying when they've said it suits me more!!
Anyway, raffle prizes can be sent to us at Glitz and Glamour Ball, 484 West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP12 4AH. Everything welcome – we want to get over 150 prizes for the raffle that is being done before the night, and the one for on the night!!
How are you doing Helen? Hope you are well
Lots of love
Debs x
Hi Debs
No I understand trying to distance yourself from mm, it's a bit invasive on the mind! And escaping from it as much as possible is probably a good idea. I'm ok, getting better, the pneumonia was a set back which I didn't expect but I'm good now. I'm also sporting a short' 'do' which I quite like, though I wouldn't have chosen it. Like you I'm told I suit it, I do hope they aren't lying! I must get a new photo on here.
I will go through the cupboard and fetch out all the weird unwanted presents! >:-) and send you a job lot. Do you have a 'receive by' date for your pre ball raffle?
Love Helen
Glad to hear that you're getting better…and enjoying the shorter look! I have to say, I was v positive until I went rollerskating with my 7 year old on Friday and one of her friends told her to 'give your dad a drink'…..hmmm, Nick was nowhere to be seen which just meant that he thought I was a bloke! Now, do I take it seriously?!
Thanks so much for the offer of prizes! I really appreciate it! I worked out that if everyone I knew on Facebook gave me one thing, I'd be absolutely sorted…sadly it doesn't seem to work like that! I would say that for the prizes, it would be useful to have them by the end of September if possible, so that we know what we are working with and what we need to get….hopefully not very much!!
Take care Helen, and thank you again for supporting us 🙂
Debs x
Hi Debs
Hope you are well, parcel in the post to you with a few raffle prizes…… They look more suitable for a to bola to me but do with them what you wish:-D
Love Helen
Thanks Helen,
That's really kind of you!!! It's really lovely that people are prepared to go out of their way to help raise some money for the charity that supports us all so much!!
I look forward to getting the package!! It's like Christmas come early!
Debs xx
Helen, Just wanted to say a massive thank you for all of the bits that you've sent through for the Raffle we're holding. Really kind of you and the items will really help us.
If anyone else wants to donate anything, I'd love to hear from you 🙂 After all, it's all to help raise money for MUK!!
Also, we are desperately looking for a GREAT first prize, either something like a TV or a fantastic experience etc. We can even put a little money in towards it – so if anyone has any contacts that might be able to help, I'd love to hear from you. We need this prize asap so we can print our raffle tickets. The name of any company who has donated the first prize will be on the raffle tickets, and we can advertise them on Facebook, twitter and will put them on our website and in our Event Programme.
Thanks again Helen….we really appreciate your items!!!
Debs x
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