Good News / Not so good news

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jeff605 10 years ago.

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    Hi, Well it’s been a good news/not so good news day. I had an MRI scan a few days ago, and yesterday had a phone call asking me to go into the clinic today to discuss the results. The good news is that my p/ps are stable at 4.1, and I’ve been told I am in partial remission. I am my ninth session of Dex/ Revlimid. That’s the good news ! However I have evidence of cord compression on more than one place on my spine, up in my neck and also lower down sort of mid way. This isn’t at present causing me any obvious problems or pain, but does explain one or two past problems I have had. I checked out ok on being examined, no leg weakness etc being displayed.. More good news it isn’t being caused by Myeloma, ( although started by it ) more by old age ! Anyway, I’m being referred to the spinal unit for investigation and possible corrective surgery to reduce the pressure on the spinal cord. So, as I said, good and not so good news. Not to worry, just something else to get up and deal with.
    The great thing is the stable Myeloma readings at last after three sets of chemo over nearly two years. Fingers crossed !!
    Best wishes to all, the support from the forum members is so invaluable Jeff



    Hi Jeff

    Good news about your paraprotiens staying stable.

    My husband had spinal compression and had to have surgery to remove the tumour and insert pins. He had to have the pins eventually removed as his body rejected them but he is mobile, drives the car and goes to the gym. His right leg is weaker and he has difficult holding his head up in the correct position but otherwise he is well.

    Wishing you well.




    Hi, Maureen, glad your husband is managing ok, it’s good to hear. I don’t know exactly what’s going on with my spine. as far as I know I haven’t got a tumour, it sounds as though it’s more collapsing vertebra causing the problems. I shall find out more when I meet the spinal team, but your husband’s history is reassuring, although I’m sure it hasn’t been easy for him. Thanks for taking the trouble to post your reply, and all the best to both of you. Jeff

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