Good news

This topic contains 23 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi Jean and Frank,

    That is wonderful news, enjoy your holiday 🙂




    Hi Jean

    So pleased for both of you. Enjoy your cruise.

    Love Maureen x



    Thank you all. Been onto insurance companies and quite shocked at some of the quotes. One quoted over £2400 🙁 .i thought it was a deposit on the ship!!! 😎 Offered reasonable price without Myeloma. Frank seems keen to go for one of them but I'm not. Will see what to or row brings.

    Your support is so appreciated thanks again
    Love Jean x



    This is great news I am sure you will have a fantastic cruise. I had a cruise when I got the all clear and enjoyed every second. As a Royalties Gold customer with RBS I have a travel insurance policy as part of the package. They say to ring if you have health issues so I did and it only cost me £129 for a full 12 months cover. This covers my Myeloma, Asthma and high blood pressure, I think the insurance company that supplies RBS policies is Defaqto, it might be worth trying them. Good luck



    Dear Jean and Frank
    Fantastic news for you both, after all this time of worry and all. Get that holiday booked, I used world first, just phone them but get away and have some fun, you deserve it now.
    Love Helen



    Jean and frank,

    Just caught up with this…..have been doing a bit of normal life! 🙂 two meals out this week! Hooray but even more hooray hooray hooray for,you guys. Absolutely brill 🙂 just got for it and enjoy your cruise, blow the cost of insurance you guys deserve it! Result 🙂

    Football season here soon so get the cruise in first! LOL

    Vicki and Colin x



    Thanks Vicki still can't get my head round it. I'm glad that you are getting back to a normal life and its great that Colin is back at work. Does he still get tired? Frank drops off to sleep at the drop of a hat.

    I have a big birthday coming on 3. August and frank has arranged to take me to see Manchester United playing Southampton at Old Trafford on 19 October. Really looking forward to it.

    Hope Colin goes from strength to strength

    Best wishes to you both and keep on being normal 🙂
    Love Jean xx



    Hi Jean and frank

    That Cruise Booked yet??

    As for still getting tired? well I am treatment free and had all my bits done in 2009 and trust me I could fall asleep at the drop of same Hat Lol.
    as for your holls I go just with normal insurance (but am not saying you all should) but my Cancer Nurse said a long time ago is that your illness wont kick straight back in you will have "Markers" that tell you its back ??

    But whatever you choose have a great one.

    Love to you both

    Tom Onwards and upwards xx



    Hi all

    Have you booked the hols yet jean!

    To answer your questions Colin can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, he had three fatigue days at the start of this week but had second wind after that! So I think it's normal. We had a bit of a blow yesterday….he had a damaged vertebrae before diagnosis, at t12 in the back. We were told that architecturally the back is ok and the damaged bone has healed well….but it's healed in a way that cause Colin's back to stoop a bit and the muscles working overtime to keep it as upright as possible. Consultants view, back won't collapse in the near term, options are….physio for 6 months to see if they can strengthen muscles to give more support, and a corset on and off. If that doesn't work, major back surgery….his words were 'a big outing for you and I Colin' resulting in surgery going in through the chest and risk of damage to internal organs, in through the back and taking out the entire vertebrae, intensive care and 6 months off work if all went well :-(. Yesterday we were both unhappy bunnys…..we so hope the physio works, I don't want him to suffer any more….bloody mm! At least it's sunny 🙂

    Vicki and Colin

    By the way jean we are flipping WellPoint to book a holiday too, our extension has gone wrong too, no windows, no plumber…stressed no bin their Donegal worn the tee shirt LOL x

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