Good partial remission 100 days after SCT? What does that mean?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Mothas 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    I am told that I have achieved ‘Good Partial Remission’ 100 days after my SCT. The bone marrow biopsy found no abnormal cells in the bone marrow but I still have paraproteins in the blood, 7gl as of February, it was 6gl in December after STC in November. My consultant has explained it to me in technical terms and says I may have MGUS and yet there are no paraproteins in the bone marrow. The technical explanation has left me confused and uncertain.

    I don’t know whether to be delighted with the result or worried about the continued presence of paraproteins. Anyone got any experience of this? Should I be delighted? To compound my confusion my consultant, who has been very good, retires today so getting a more comprehensive review with him is no longer possible.





    As I understand it after SCT, complete response looks for no cells in the biopsy and no paraprotein detected. Stringent complete response requires a normal light chain ratio as well. But….I have read of people on this forum who, like you, had paraprotein evident at the 100 day mark, but this continued to decrease as time went on, so don’t despair yet!

    I am 49 days post transplant and had no paraprotein evident 3 weeks ago and and a normal light chain ratio (first time since diagnosis) so I am keeping fingers and toes crossed that these numbers hold till the 100 day mark when the biopsy will be repeated. But…so far so good!




    Hi Andrew
    Well done and yes you should be pleased I had mine done in 2009 and at the start it was 100 but as the months moved on I got the all clear and spot on and am under the impression it’s near the norm, stick with it with a big grin and a skip in your step.

    Good luck you are well on the road to remission

    Tom onwards and upward x




    Thanks for the re-assurance, you look like you are going in the right direction for a complete remission, good luck.





    Thanks for the encouragement, I am feeling much more positive. It’s good to hear of your successful progress.




    Hi Andrew,
    Just seen this, although complete response is what’s aimed at these categories are movable feasts because they are based on tests that can’t really pick up all the traces of disease. So a Complete response doesn’t necessarily guarantee you wont relapse sooner than someone who’s had Stringent Complete Remission.

    You should be pleased with Good Partial Remission so congrats.

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