GP says progressive myeloma, waiting to see the haematologist in 2 weeks

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    Found anormaly in a blood test for something else 3 months ago. Anemia, low whites cells, low nutriphils. After repeat blood tests and found high paraprotein, high IgA, low IgM, low IgG. Band IgA lambda. Waiting to see the haematologist to do a bone marrow biopsy etc. 46 female, feeling rather healthy in fact. Worried. I’m in London. Which hospital has shorter queue? How long do I need to wait for a PET scan?



    Hi BTU

    There are several centres of excellence in London should you need them – UCL and Royal Marsden ( Sutton ) have some of the top UK specialists and are well organised ( around waiting times and renting any necessary scans ) – you will need referral from your GP and maybe a firm nudge !

    Sounds like you are already measuring light chains and Paraprotein ( two key markers ) but there are other factors that will be considered before any diagnosis /staging … good news you are feeling well….

    If you need treatment the good news is that there are many excellent meds available and the advances over the last few years have been good news for patients with more in the pipeline …

    If you are someone who likes to get informed I recommend which is an American site full of excellent educational resources ( Healthtree university )

    Good luck with next steps , completely understandable to be anxious so stay strong and one step at a time …



    Hi Rosary,thanks so much! It’s reassuring! I’ve got an appointment at UCLH. Lots of nudges to the GP for the complete blood results etc. It seems they don’t share the data with me without me asking. I’m glad I got the complete results and got GPT to analyse them for me. Otherwise, I would not have pushed so hard. Thanks for the HealthTree. Just registered. Thank you!!!



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