Graham is in full remission

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  tom 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    I am very pleased to be able to say that after being diagnosed with stage 3 multiple myeloma in May 2013 and stem cell transplant February 2014 we were told yesterday, following his bone marrow biopsy 6th May, that Graham is in stringent full remission. He will therefore now be referred back to Oldham for continuing care and not sure whether he will be on maintenence drugs or nothing at all for a while but we are feeling on top of the world. He took voluntary redundancy recently so can now start enjoying himself and doing what he wants to do without the worries of work. Keeping our fingers crossed for a long remission.
    We have our daughter’s wedding in September and then looking forward to a long deserved holiday abroad.
    Angela and Graham



    Fantastic news!

    Time to really enjoy life again.  Hoping for a really long, healthy and happy remission for Graham and peace of mind for you, Angela.




    Hi Angela

    So glad for you both. Enjoy your future. It’s great not having to work!

    All best wishes for a very long remission for Graham.




    Congratulations to you Both am well chuffed for you both.

    its what we all aim for,I hope Graham is now drug free for many a years its a great feeling I had four years drug free remission, we went and done what we wanted to do with no restrictions.

    Get out their now and enjoy Life, once again well done and have a great time.

    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xxxx

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