Grief And A Hard Working Train Analogy (Poem)

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    [b]Grief And A Hard Working Train Analogy[/b]

    Sometimes it is just like this:
    A daily commute to grief
    Filled with tapering breakdowns
    Long clatter-echo tunnels
    Misguided, metronomic tracks
    Offering little traction and less steam
    Barely enough to raise a head and sound
    A warning note that whistles out of tune

    Then, when you finally arrive;
    Minding your gaps and P?s and Q?s
    There is a platform of disenchantment
    Spoon-fed by the deceits of a new dawn
    No greeting bells, no brass band
    No cymbalic clash or tympanic rolls
    Just the certitude of more lonesomeness
    Pink mists, white noise and emptiness



    So Sad
    Love Teresa

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