Hi Therese,
I have had the good and the bad when it comes to groin pain.
The bad first – Groin pain is how I first got diagnosed with myeloma. It turned out to be a very bad blood clot stretching up into my abdomen. However, it was a really bad pain and I could hardly walk, so it should be fairly obvious if it is this, and if the Doctor has seen your Mum, I doubt that it is.
The good – over the past year, I have had intermittent pain in the same area as where the blood clot occurred. Each time, it subsided within a few days – often, it felt like swollen lymph nodes that went back down again after a few days – maybe it could be that? Or it could just be a pulled muscle which should correct itself in a couple of days.
I would keep a close eye on it and if it hasn’t improved in a couple of days, get in contact with the Doctors again.
Hope it all gets sorted out soon,