Groin Pain??

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  chappy2017 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hello guys,

    My 74 year old mother was diagnosed with multiple myeloma August 2016 and is now on her 7th cycle of treatment with 2  more cycles to follow, she has also had one session of radiotherapy on her back. All reviews so far have been really positive and doctors are really happy with her progress. Treatment is going really hwell apart from some side effects which include very swollen logs and some very down days after finishing course of steroids.

    Since Thursday she has had a pain in her groin which she has said feels like a pulled muscle, she went to see her gp on Friday & he seems to think it’s a pull or a strain. My question to you guys is… Has anyone experienced anything similar during treatment and what caused it??

    My mother has her review following 7th cycle this Tuesday, I guess I’m trying to put her mind at ease with some possible solutions before then!


    Many thanks

    Therese x



    Hi Therese,

    I have had the good and the bad when it comes to groin pain.

    The bad first – Groin pain is how I first got diagnosed with myeloma. It turned out to be a very bad blood clot stretching up into my abdomen. However, it was a really bad pain and I could hardly walk, so it should be fairly obvious if it is this, and if the Doctor has seen your Mum, I doubt that it is.

    The good – over the past year, I have had intermittent pain in the same area as where the blood clot occurred. Each time, it subsided within a few days – often, it felt like swollen lymph nodes that went back down again after a few days – maybe it could be that? Or it could just be a pulled muscle which should correct itself in a couple of days.

    I would keep a close eye on it and if it hasn’t improved in a couple of days, get in contact with the Doctors again.

    Hope it all gets sorted out soon,




    Hi Greg,

    Thank you so much for you reply!

    When diagnosed my mothers pain radiated from her back which is where she has had the radiotherapy, she is worried that this sudden onset of pain in her groin is due the Myeloma spreading. I have tried to reassure her as best I can that the likelihood of this is very slim as she has her bloods done every 3 weeks and they would have picked up a raised level of Paraprotein if this were the case. I have of course referred to Dr Google (haha) but as always he filled me full of dread!

    She sees her Consultant tomorrow so fingers crossed its worrying over nothing!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it.

    I hope you’re keeping well and I wish you all the very best.

    Therese x

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