Hair dye

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  cazzie 4 years, 8 months ago.

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    Apologies if this is very frivolous, but I have an opportunity to have my hair cut and coloured before my hairdresser starts mixing with the public. I lost my hair! It grew back initially quite curly, but had now gone straightish, and is mousy brown with a little grey (I’m 60 yrs old)
    I’m on my fourth lot of chemo – pomaludamide and dexamethasone, waiting for light chains to drop to low plateau before Stem Cell Transplant.
    Has anyone ever had peroxide put in their hair Chemo hair before colouring, with any success please?
    I’m really low, and just feel a hair colour would maybe boost me up a bit…….



    Hi…There is no need to apologise! It has been a rough 2020, plus, going through chemo and having to shield is a treble whammy.
    I’m sure a new hair do and colour would give a definite boost. However, I would make contact with your specialist Nurse and get advice from your health team, to be on the safe side.Good luck.x

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