Hair loss men

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    I would be grateful for views and appreciate we are all different. A month away from the SCT; am 64 with a full head of non greying hair – I consider myself very fortunate! I live with a 17 year old son and loving wife. We have talked about shaving my head first, or letting it fall out and then tidying it up, if needed (though would think that would be difficult given early immunity issues).

    My daughter has knitted me a nice hat and I have taken to wearing a felt hat which I really like and will continue to do so. But what to do when inside – when I consider hats wrong, but coverings ok. I have cancer, I am not trying to hide it, but to live with it well. I just dont want to scare people or put them off interacting with me or really generate any particular cancer related emotion uneceearily.

    Covering or no, will be obvious to those who see me I have it (rather than « you look well » usual comments!!). But equally I don’t want to « shove it in their faces » so to speak.

    I will at home be guided by what my family think and prefer.

    I know it will be a shock, but a short lived one. Part of me is perversely glad – as it shows it for what it is. One reason for my focus on this is that my treatment started just as I retired so did not say good by and thank you to my colleagues and they would not have seen me for a year. I plan to return when recovered (and I guess hair starting to regrow a bit) to bang a work gong, be thankful for lots of things and have a drink! But am nervous about it.

    Views welcome. My current thought is to have a lightweight comfortable indoor simple beanie type covering which is easy to remove and which I could, when it gets colder, wear under an out door hat when outdoors.

    Otherwise all going well enough – so far a partial response largely because I reduced dosages etc etc to mitigate impact of Peripheral Neurothapy which has now largely subsided. But optimistic about the final result.





    A woman replying but some of it may be relevant. I had my SCT June last year. Had got a wig but only wore it once because it was itchy in the heat.
    I bought a selection of bandanas which were great and wore them prior to SCT as like you say it preempted some well meaning comments.
    I went to my hairdresser and got my hair cut short in preparation for SCT, again to make the transition easier.
    However the day before being admitted to hospital I persuaded my husband to shave my head, a decision I never regretted.
    I never wore any head covering in hospital but it was only my husband and best friend visiting so that wasnt an issue.
    Back home I alternated between bare head and bandanas.
    Once my hair began to grow however, I made adjustments. My hair initially grew back soft and fine (tip from hairdresser use baby shampoo) but then the chemo curls sprouted!!!! Hairdresser to the rescue again who “restyled” my curly mop. She shaved the back of my head – a number 3 whatever that means- and the hair at the top and front longer and now straighter!
    I dont know if any of this will help but it might. As you say, everyone is different and we just have to do what feels right for us. It sounds like you’ve worked out a wee plan for yourself which is great. Makes you feel like you have some control in a situation you never expected to be in.
    My top tip in this particular situation – enlist the help of a hairdresser/ barber you feel comfortable with.
    Good luck with your SCT and take care.



    Many thanks for this. Plans and a sense f control are essential!! As a wig is not an option and baldness/lack of hair is not me, shaving prematurely seems odd for me. I get the point of shaving once it has started to come out.

    Cutting off it very short just before and covering?

    Still time to think about it! Hope things going well for you



    Hi Nick
    I totally get what you are going through. I had always been known for my luscious head of hair, so, as I knew it was going to come out, and I dreaded finding hair on my pillow, I decided to have my head shaved two months before my transplant in 2017. I didn’t find it at all distressing as I immediately had a very good quality wig fitted (I am female by the way)
    I also had a variety of turbans for when I didn’t want to wear my wig, but I don’t think this is a path you want to follow.
    All I can say is, involve your family and friends in whatever you decide to do.
    Always remember, your hair will grow back after about six months, and it is fashionable these days for men to have shaved heads!!
    I wish you all the very best success with your treatment.

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