Hair Thinning

This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  paulapurple 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    I started treatment for myeloma in April this year and coped well. After treatment finished I had a hair colour and soon after that my hair thinned dramatically. My hair during treatment was ok. Has this happened to anyone else and if so when does hair start to grow again. It is also a warning. My hairdresser said the colour was a mild one.



    morning yes I had thinning of hair after treatment   came back quickly  but still coloured it sect haven’t got much now after my second SCT but think it’ll be back in fully by Feb.  xxx annlynne



    Hi, thank you for a quick reply which has made me feel much better. What is a SCT not very up on jargon. xx



    ah sorry stem cell transplant were your cells are taken then frozen  your given high dose chemo then your cells get put back in xxx annlynne



    My son is a hairdresser. He says that he wouldn’t colour hair for at least 6 months afterwards because your hair is much more fragile than normal and has gone through trauma. He said if you must then use vegetable dyes not chemical ones.

    My hair hasn’t thinned on either of the Chemo I’ve had (Velcade and Cyclophosphamide) but neither drug has worked for me so it looks like I’m headed for DT PACE so I’ll lose it all now; I’ll get him to shave it off before that happens, don’t fancy seeing it in clumps on my hospital pillow as I’ll have enough to worry about!



    Thank you for your reply which was very helpful. I had my hair coloured on the 12th October too soon after treatment finished. My consultant said colours on hair interfere with thalidomide not that your hair will fall out.



    My hairdresser will not colour my hair either when I’m on treatment or for a long time after finishing.



    Hi, Many thanks for your info. I wish I’d known before. No more colours for me.



    Hi, Many thanks for your info. I wish I’d known before. No more colours for me.



    Hi, what is DT PACE? I’m on the cardamom trial and looking for the research results, on carfilzomib and the usual steroids and chemo, my hair got stronger, nails and skin too. I have also coloured it with a root touch up, it feels thinner but not got clumps coming out as per stem cell transplant. I see some amazing women in treatment,very dolled up and beautiful scarves, but I’d still rather have good hair while I can.




    DT-PACE is a treatment combination used to treat myeloma patients who have received several previous treatments or who are refractory to treatment. DT-PACE is a combination of six drugs: Dexamethasone, Thalidomide, and four   Chemo drugs:  Cisplatin, Adriamycin® (doxorubicin), Cyclophosphamide and Etoposide.

    Its given continuously over a 4-day cycle through a Hickman line. It means a stay in hospital for the duration of the treatment and for a 28 day recovery period after the treatment has ended as your immune system is non existent. Then they let you home for a bit and have you in later to do it all over again! No one’s favourite treatment; it’s pretty radical.

    As I’ll lose my hair this time my daughter is buying me hats for Christmas to start off with, don’t think I’m a scarf person! Might try a wig, we’ll see, or I might just rock the bald look!

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