Happiness- 42 days post SCT!

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    Soooooo happy! Blood tests from 2 weeks ago….paraprotein undetectable, immunoglobin a- normal, free light chain ratio- normal (first time in the normal range since diagnosis 11 months ago.) Now fingers crossed I can maintain these fabulous results unlike after CDT when I relapsed after only 3 weeks off treatment. BMB due day +100. So this “Myeloma Chick” is one very happy lady tonight!



    Carol that’s great brilliant news, well done you

    Vicki and Colin x



    Well done Carol, I have to wait until the 13th for my next blood test, so far results haven’t been as good as the medics would have liked but we have so much to get on with to worry about them. Let’s hope your BMB confirms the good results.



    Hi Dick

    That must make you anxious, but I have read on the forums of people gaining full remission even after 6 months post transplant. I never know if my results are really good or just to be expected, as even though I was really happy (especially about finally attaining a normal free light chain ratio) the consultant doesn’t really comment. Anyway I have decided to award myself an A* for now, but am desperately keeping my fingers crossed so as to maintain the remission.




    Carol, This is just brilliant news, congratulations and long may it continue. My 100 days is the end of the month and my Dr doesn’t do an FLC test until 100 days – just to add to the tension!



    Carol I award you an “A” also well done you, it’s great news, and as for your consultant be like me Carol if he is happy am happy.

    From one onwards and upwards to another have a great week

    Love Tom onwards and upwards xxxx



    Lovely to read of the positive attitude towards life displayed by people like you Carol. I had  SCT in June last year and have been in remission since. This disease really has opened my eyes as to the importance of living in the present and making the most of life. I find a regular meditation practice helps me enormously to keep things in perspective so perhaps thats an avenue you may decide to explore. I’m not trying to give advice (I’m sure you know plenty of people who “know” whats best for you without strangers throwing in their twopennorth) I’m just saying that it has worked well for me. …..May your remission be a long one.



    Great news Carol. Franks new cells where 1 year old yesterday. He’s also,in remission. Thank God. Just loved your photo

    Hope it’s loooooooooong

    Love Jean



    Dear Carol
    Well done, may you have a very long remission. Make the most of it.
    Love Helen



    Hi Carol, great news about your bloods – the time has flown and glad to hear your happy news. It’s now a month since Graham’s STC and he has now been home 2 weeks today. It’s not getting much easier but I know it takes time. Let’s hope we get the same news as you in another month. I think he is finally fighting off the flu bug he came home with.
    Angela xx

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