Harvest done

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Jacquie 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi everyone

    Harvest over but only managed to get 3.5 million but hey enough for one transplant. We were hoping for more 🙁

    Now for the long wait until 17 June to get them back. It would have been sooner but I am off to visit my daughter and granddaughter in US in May and Geoff agreed to have it done when I am back to look after him.



    Only 3.5in one go!!! That's great.

    I know you tend to want to get this over and done with,but you are wise to have that holiday . Good luck Eve



    Hi Eve it was over 2 collections. regards




    Hi Jacquie and Geoff,

    Glad to hear that Geoff was able to harvest enough for a transplant.

    I hope you have a great holiday Jacquie and come back rested and ready for the next step.

    Keep us posted on the transplant when it starts.




    Hi Jacquie and Geoff

    Well Done, I got enough for nearly two but they put them into three bags instead of two 🙁 so they used them all 😎 av none in reserve 🙁

    Good Luck with it in June and go and enjoy your holidays

    Tom Onwards and Upwards x



    Hi Megan & Tom

    thanks for your posts I will keep you all updates. I am Just hoping Geoff nerves will be ok when I am away as he is very nervous off everything at the moment. Its a shame we dont have a local support group he could go.





    Hi jacqui and jeff

    That's great news, 3.2m is great, Colin only got 2.1m so only just over the bar! At least jeff has the cells in the bag! Whilst you are away jeff could always post on the forum to keep his nerves at bay 🙂 we could give that bit of support! You enjoy your holiday jacqui as you'll need all your strength for the rest!

    Be strong x

    Vicki and Colin x



    3.2 in 2 visits, is that right? Why didn't they try for 3 or 4? Or do you mean 2 actual visits… different weeks etc.,? :-/

    I know that I got the same as Colin… 2.1 million and that after five days x 5 hours a time for 5 days and 2 midnight returns to the hospital for 2 shots of Plerixafor… it was a long week and 'someone' was supposed to ring me Friday evening with the results but 'someone' forgot and I had to ring in on Monday afternoon with frayed nerves to be asked 'Didn't 'someone' ring you? No! Oh, well you got 2.1 million so that's enough for one transplant, so you are Okay to go'. 🙂

    Honestly, sometimes… not often mark you… but sometimes. 😉




    Hi Dai

    it was 3.5m in days after 4 days of GCSF injections they did not want to go for more as they were happy with the 3.5. Geoff was disappointed as he hoped they may have tried for 4-5 but hey enough for one transplant.



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