Hi thanks, I am probably not as fit I think but for nearing 55yrs now think I am fit – I can manage about 40 minutes on treadmill at 5.8 miles per hour only! think I could go on a lot longer but boredom more than anything sets in. My consultant said it was abnormal and asked if I wanted an ECg but as I feel ok declined last time but think I will reconsider as when I was at work it was still only 47 – which I now find disconcerting. I have read a few people comments about a 2nd SCT on both the UK and US site where, without much specific detail, more of a “warning” when going into the 2nd SCt that any benefits gained can be negated by it totally damaging either heart or lungs – but I guess for some it’s perhaps a step too far and as with everything, you never know if that’s you until you’ve taken the plunge. RE low blood pressure/heart beat following SCT (altho mine has occurred more in the last 6 months only) one guy has such a gap between resting beats that it appears to set off the flatlining machines at the hospital when wired up and he was told they never really know what impact the SCT will have on the heart. After my SCt I would say my fitness was back 6 months after but that was gained totally from the 3rd to 6th month when I was feeling better. I play tennis and when I went back after my SCT I literally had the speed of movement of a very old person and my coach even suggested I started back with a green soft ball (for the little kids) as my reflexes etc were sooooo slow. It took going down every day for 10 – 15 minutes only just gently having a knock to start to get anything back (tho I was quite ill when I was home from SCt). It was a very slow process that took a lot of determination to resume what I had before but somehow I just started gaining momentum after the third month when I started to feel better. I hasten to say I chose not to rush back to work and take 6 months off + more with accrued holidays just to concentrate on getting fit and having “me” time. had I gone back after 3 months it would have been a much harder slog and whilst I was off my main job was to get back to normal/fitness. Good luck and thanks.