My mum recently had elranatamab as a second line treatment. She had the first 3 doses in hospital, only side effects were a very very mild temperature one evening, she coped exceptionally well. Her light chains to start were 39,000 and 19,000 before starting this treatment after the first 3 doses they were 2.9 and without any further doses over the last almost 2 months it’s continued to drop to 1.8 so the drug has pushed her into complete remission. However it has caused heart damage and this is now something we are having to deal with. Our professor has said that upon speaking to Pfizer he has discovered that 21% of people have cardiac issues on elranatamab however many of those may be minor. Unfortunately for my mum it’s not minor and it’s caused significant heart failure. He is now investigating why cardiac issues weren’t listed with the drug originally and has reported the case to the MHRA. It’s been a wonder drug with regards to the cancer but she is struggling with the heart issues and has been told she can’t have anymore of the elranatamab, so if the myeloma came back it would not be an option.