Hello 👋


This topic contains 22 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  kh0305 2 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #143088


    Hello all
    Just wanted to wish you a happy Easter.
    No real update. I had my MRI, no news yet, so hopefully that’s a good sign?
    My hip continues to be very painful, I’m walking with a stick now, tired, and when walking my dog I’ve noticed I’m getting a bit breathless.
    Roll on May 5, to put my mind at ease one way or another.
    Take care to you all here, and best wishes.
    Sian x



    Hi Sian,
    Happy Easter to you too.
    My dad had an MRI recently and it took a few weeks to get results back but when he did it was positive so I’m hoping it is the same for you. Not long until your appointment now and then hopefully you can get some answers and start to put into action any treatments needed.
    I’m glad you’re still able to get out with the doggy despite the hip pain and hope it wont be too much longer until you can enjoy pain free walks again.
    Take care and good luck for the 5th xx



    Hello all
    Well I’ve had my first appointment with a very nice Consultant with the relevant tests, bloods etc.
    Although not all the blood tests have come back, he told me the results of my MRI was severe inflammation of the hip joint, so no signs of cancer or anything sinister.
    He will wait until the rest of my bloods are back before deciding whether to do a CT Scan, but he said he’s 95% sure the raised blood tests are to do with my RA, not a blood cancer.
    I was very relieved to hear that.
    Best wishes to everyone on here and thank you so much for your support.
    God bless you all.
    Sian x

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  satellite.


    Hi Sian,

    Thanks for the update, that’s good news indeed. With any health issue, getting a clear diagnosis is the first step to some help, treatment or medication. I hope that they’re able to ease the inflammation and that your pain decreases.

    Best wishes,
    Rich 👍



    Hi Satellite,
    That’s sounds like good news! Now things are looking a bit more positive, it might not be on your mind as much and you can try to get back to doing the things you most enjoy, even though it might be on a reduced basis due to the limitations that you have.

    What I found difficult was not being able to do the things that I used to do as well as I could, but that slowly returned. You just have to accept that this is the new you, and the sooner that you do that, the better you will feel about yourself and the easier it will be for you to gain confidence about when you can do.

    Just do what you can, and what you can`t at the minute do, just have patience and hope that you will be able to do it in time.

    Regards, Tony



    Thank you Rich.



    Thank you Tony.
    I’m glad you are getting back to how you used to be, and long may it continue.
    I agree, I’ve learnt over the years, it is important to manage your expectations.
    Take care



    Hi Sian,
    Thanks for keeping us updated. Relieved to hear it isnt anything cancerous – that must be a weight off your mind. I hope that now they know what the issue is they are able to treat it and relieve some of the pain and discomfort for you xx

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