Hello from the states

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  susantr 7 years, 8 months ago.

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    Having become frustrated with myelomabeacon.com which won’t accept my login for some bizarre computer reason I will never comprehend, I thought I’d try this site which I have just discovered.  I have some questions and will look for an appropriate forum.  Regards, Michael



    Hi Michael, I occasionally look at the Myeloma Beacon forum but I’ve never contributed so I haven’t had to log in. It’s always interesting to see a wide range of information and views but treatment options are quite different here in the UK so you might find some things less applicable in your case. We’re all facing the same MM beast though.



    The medical system in the US is so screwed up, I tend to trust other countries more.  Here the insurance companies run the show determining what is “medically necessary”.  Our system makes a lot of sick people much sicker.






    Dear dbrr

    NICE is the institute in the UK which gives approval for drugs to be used on the NHS, equally they also refuse drugs (usually due to cost). The only way in the UK to get drugs which have not been approved for NHS treatment is to go on a clinical trial. The USA and Europe seem to have slightly more ammunition to fight mm than the UK at present, I hope we can catch up. It’s frustrating when there are drugs out there that can help fight mm but are being denied (cost is the common denominator). I too read the forums on the myeloma beacon and have found a wealth of information. I have also participated in the forums. Maybe try again to login or maybe contact the administrators and explain the problems you are experiencing. They maybe able to help. One thing I have noticed about the beacon is that it does not always post your comment and they give no reason why. Good luck.

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